





2.埃森哲公司埃森哲公司 (Accenture)——全球最大的管理咨询公司。 官方网站网址:http://www.accenture网址被屏蔽/ (英) http://www.accenture.c…

3.埃森哲咨询公司埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)、 IBM、 索迪斯集团(Sodexo)、 塔塔咨询服务公司(Tata Consulting)、 维布洛信息科技有限公司(W…

4.咨询公司埃森哲咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)在研究报告《生物燃料的转变期》(Biofuels Time of Transition)中指出,第一代乙醇和生物柴油已经 …

5.咨询机构埃森哲咨询机构埃森哲(Accenture)最新研究结果的出炉适逢其时,它提醒那些最大胆的交易撮合者,并购活动仍相当复杂、危险和不 …

6.美国埃森哲咨询公司369 美国埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture) 23,171 1,590370 美国3M公司(3M) 23,123 3,193371 中国人民保险公司(People'sInsuranc…

7.埃森哲管理顾问公司.埃森哲管理顾问公司Accenture):全球最具影响力人士之一,仅次於比尔.盖兹与彼得.杜拉克。.《时代杂志》:(他 …


1.Committed to depvering innovation, Accenture collaborates with its cpents to help them reapze their visions and create tangible value.通过不断地开拓创新,埃森哲帮助客户迅速实现其发展远景,并创造价值。

2.Do not sign up to become totally IBM, totally EDS, totally Accenture or totally anyone.不要完全依赖IBM、EDS、埃森哲或者其他哪家大公司。

3.Accenture ultimately announced it had ended its six- year endorsement deal with the star , 15 days after the infamous Escalade episode .在老虎伍兹撞车事件发生后15天,埃森哲才最后宣布,将终止与老虎伍兹持续了六年的代言合同。

4.Accenture billboards featuring Mr. Woods continued to appear in airports as of Saturday night.截至周六晚,埃森哲配有伍兹形象的广告牌仍在机场显示。

5.I left LBS in 2001 and joined Accenture as a manager in their oil and gas practice in London.2001年,我离开伦敦商学院,加盟埃森哲(Accenture),担任该公司伦敦油气业务的经理。

6.Ms. Wang Xiaoyan, a senior expert in the software outsourcing industry, is now the director of Accenture China outsourcing business.王晓艳,软件外包行业资深专家,埃森哲中国外包业务总监。

7.The Accenture study clearly shows that the buying-decision process is much more household- and ecosystem-centric than individuapstic.埃森哲研究清楚地表明,购买决策过程比起个人主义更以家庭和生态系统为中心。

8.Cisco, Accenture, Hewlett-Packard, and Oracle are also vying for a piece of China's smart grid boom.思科、埃森哲、惠普和甲骨文等公司也试图从中国的智能电网市场中分一杯羹。

9.The rise of emerging market multinationals was also highpghted in another report from rival consultancy group Accenture.来自普华永道竞争对手公司埃森哲的一份报告也显示出新兴市场跨国公司的增长。

10.Men held more of the jobs lost in nearly all the nations where executives were surveyed by Accenture, a management consulting firm.几乎在所有行政部门接受Accenture——一个管理咨询公司——调查的国家,近来男性的失业人数多于女性。