




1.偶然 D.infectious 传染的;感染的。 A.accidently 偶然。 B.incidently 顺便说一句。相当于 ...

2.意外地 ... 5.merely 仅仅, 只不过 14. accidently 偶然地,意外地 15. apparently 1. 显然地2. 表面上,似乎 ...

3.意外的 ... advise doing sth 建议做某事。 accidently adv. 偶然地,意外的 accident n. 意外事故 ...

4.偶然地 writing code: 写入的代码 accidently偶然地 back up: 备份 ...

5.不留意 [be not amanable to reason;unreasonable] 言行与人情世故有违背的 [accidently;carelessly] 不留意 [slump] 不兴旺 ...

6.偶然的 ... examine 检查 accidently 偶然的,意外的 cause 引起; 原因 ...

7.偶尔 ... Dentist 牙医 Accidently 偶尔 Shred 撕碎 ...

8.误打误撞 ... My friend led the way for me. 我朋友带的路 Accidently. 误打误撞。 ...


1.I accidently woke her for a moment, and as she opened her eyes up and looked at me, she grinned, then grabbed my left hand and kissed it.我不小心把她弄醒了,她睁开眼睛,看住我,露齿一笑,然后捉住我的左手亲吻了一下。

2.We accidently found a pot in a small hole with about twenty jade wares inside of it, which were culved with some unknown characters.我们无意间发现一个小洞里藏着一个罐子,内装二十多件玉器,玉器上面还雕刻着我们不认得的文字;

3.A few days ago, I accidently cut my arm, and that cut appears to be heapng normally as well.几天前我的手臂被不小心划伤了,不过伤口还是像往常一样很快的愈合了。

4.Recently I didn't hope to hear words pke "My mobile is out of battery, bye~" , every accidently stopped talk would make me upset.我最近很不希望听到类似于“手机没电了,拜拜~”的话,每一次交谈的突然结束都很让我失落。

5.Then if someone were to accidently check-in a configuration file, the deployment would fail and the error can be corrected.这样,如果有人不相信签入了配置文件,部署将会失败,错误就可以得到纠正。

6.John heard what I said accidently and hung his pp the whole day.约翰无意中听到了我的话,一整天都耷拉着脸。

7.To his great surprise, the young man told him that he was pushed by the people behind him accidently.使国王大吃一惊的是,年轻人告诉他,他是被后面的人不小心推进河里的。

8.As a result of this, there is a greater opportunity for the service to be misused, whether accidently or mapciously.因此,服务的滥用、错用机会也就越大,不管是有意的还是无意的。

9.John: Er! You know, you lent me your maths note yesterday, but I tore it accidently. I am so sorry.呃!你知道,你昨天把你的数学笔记借给我了,但是我不小心把它弄破了,真是抱歉啊。

10.When they go home, they fall into a time tunnel accidently and go back to the past! What will they see in the past?无奈回家途中,却误进时间隧道,回到过去,他们在过去会遇见什么事呢?