


美式发音: [ˈɡraʊndɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ɡraʊndɪŋ]








1.[sing]~ (in sth)基础训练;基础教学the teaching of the basic parts of a subject

a good grounding in grammar扎实的语法基本功训练

2.[u][c](尤指因机件故障等)(飞机的)留地停飞,(船的)留港停航the act of keeping a plane on the ground or a ship in a port, especially because it is not in a good enough condition to travel



n.1.a basic knowledge of a subject

v.1.The present participle of ground

1.接地 socket, 插座 grounding接地 grounding resistance, 接地电阻 ...

2.搁浅 gross 箩 Grounding 搁浅 Guangzhou Trade Fair 广州交易会 ...

3.基础训练 grounded theory 扎根理论 grounding 基础训练 groundless 无根据 ...

4.接地装置 ground glass 毛玻璃 grounding 接地装置,地线 ... frontager 临街处所拥有人 ...

5.触底 Grain or grain capacity 散装舱容 Grounding 触底 Gunny bag 麻袋 ...

6.上岸 grounding 搁浅接地 grounding 接地; 搁浅;上岸 grounding 接地搁浅 ...

7.接地工程 ... 8、内部照明( Lighting) 9、接地工程( Grounding) 10、火警警报系统( Fire alarm system) ...

8.接地体 ... 2.0.2.导电地网 conductive ground net 2.0.3接地体 grounding 2.0.4 系统电阻 system resistance ...


1.The company did not offer any explanation for the grounding.但该公司没有解释船只搁浅原因。

2.Actually, uh, no. She's probably still upset with me for grounding her And is trying to teach me a lesson. I don't know.事实上,没有。她很可能还在为我不让她去舞会的事生气,而且想给我点颜色看看,-我不知道。

3.Warm sesame oil massaged daily over your body is said to be very grounding & nurturing. It helps stabipze your nervous system & kidneys.据说每天都做芝麻油全身热按摩的话会非常滋润,可以稳定你的神经系统和肾脏器官。

4.With its acutely observant eye for class differences and chilly corporate manners "The Company Men" has two moral grounding wires.《合伙人》处处体现了社会阶级的差异和冷酷的公司处理作风,它主要有两处道德地线值得我们关注。

5.After more than two years of grounding, you come back, and on the left all the memories of the stage, you know?经过两年多的磨砺,你回来了,同时又踏上了留给大家无限回忆的舞台,你知道吗?

6.Equipment and material used for grounding connection construction shall meet current national standard and with certificates.接地装置施工采用的器材应符合国家现行技术标准的规定,并应有合格证件。

7.The oils I use change often but at the moment vetiver seems to be the most calming and grounding for me.我经常会换精油,但是对于我来说岩兰草似乎是最能平静和限制的了。

8.Today, my mother and I had a massive argument culminating in her grounding me, taking away my car keys and throwing stuff at me.今天我和妈妈大吵了一架,后来她不准我出门,拿走了我的车钥匙,还用各种东西砸我。

9.This allows the creative thinking that takes place during the night to gel and form into a plan of action, grounding you for the day.这让你夜间形成的创造性想法能成形且成为行动计划,成为你一天的基础。

10.This is why grounding allows the body to feel safe and be safe from accidents of any kind upon the physical plane.这是为什么根植让身体觉得安全,并免于在物质层上遭受任何事故的原因。