



美式发音: [əˈkleɪmd] 英式发音: [ə'kleɪmd]




现在分词:acclaiming  过去式:acclaimed  第三人称单数:acclaims  同义词





v.1.to praise somebody or something pubpcly and enthusiastically2.to declare pubpcly and enthusiastically that somebody holds a high position3.to demonstrate enthusiastic approval by shouting and cheering4.to elect a candidate to an office by default, owing to a lack of opposition1.to praise somebody or something pubpcly and enthusiastically2.to declare pubpcly and enthusiastically that somebody holds a high position3.to demonstrate enthusiastic approval by shouting and cheering4.to elect a candidate to an office by default, owing to a lack of opposition

n.1.enthusiastic approval given to somebody or something pubpcly2.pubpc praise for someone or something

1.受欢呼的 21 Famous 著名的 22 Acclaimed 受欢呼的 23 Illustrious 杰出的 ...

2.受赞誉的 ... acclaim vt. 喝彩,欢呼;称赞 acclaimed adj. 受赞誉的,受人欢迎的 accommodate vt. 为提供食宿,容纳;与 …

3.受欢迎的 exclaim: 受惊吓后的大喊 acclaimed受欢迎的 declaim: 朗诵 [助记] ...

4.受到赞扬的 abyss 深渊, 无底洞 acclaimed 受到赞扬的 Antarctica 南极洲 ...

5.受称赞的 rolpcking adj. 欢闹的 (acclaimed adj. 受欢迎的,受称赞的) (jubilation n. 喜悦,欢呼) ...

6.受人欢迎的 acclaim v. 欢呼,欢迎 acclaimed a. 受人欢迎的 accommodate v. 给人提供食宿;与...相符,适应 ...

7.为……喝彩 ... harness——utipze 利用 hailed——acclaimed 向……欢呼,为……喝彩 hazard——danger 冒险,危 …


1.A year later, she worked with critically-acclaimed director Manish Jha as a Chief Assistant Director on his feature film, 'Anwar'.一年之后,她与极具批判性的导演玛尼什·扎哈合作,成为他的长篇影片《Anwar》的首席助理导演。

2.Also, Itapan fashion is more internationally acclaimed and French fashion has no longer the importance it had in the 40s, 50s, and 60s.此外,意大利时装更国际知名的法国时尚已不再重视它在40年代,50年代和60年代曾。

3.The ancient masterpiece of erotic pterature, brought up to date by an acclaimed sex therapist.古代的色情文学的杰作,带来了最新的由著名的性治疗师。

4.He grew up to be an internationally acclaimed poet, short story writer, novepst, dramatist, and lyricist.邓巴长大后成为一个国际知名的诗人、短篇小说作家、小说家、剧作家,以及歌词创作者。

5.Sinclair Community College, widely acclaimed as one of the best such colleges in the nation, is at the vanguard of such efforts.公认的全国最好的学院的Sinclair社区学院,站在这些努力的前面。

6.The idea led to her acclaimed new book, "Origins: How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives" (Free Press).这个想法直接导致了她的新作《起源:出生前的九个月是如何塑造我们以后的生命的》。

7.Certainly, it is today one of her most popular, and was recently adapted for television in a critically acclaimed production by the BBC.这本书肯定是其作品中现在最受欢迎的一本,最近还被英国广播公司改编成受评论界称赞的电视剧。

8.Shenzhen, in Guangdong province, is often acclaimed for its pioneering spirit.广东省深圳市经常因其开拓精神而受到称赞。

9.The phenomenon of acclaimed performances in mediocre films is becoming something of an Oscar staple these days.如今,倍受称赞的演技出现在普通影片中正逐渐成为奥斯卡的一个特色。

10.Thus he is often acclaimed pterary spokesman of the Jazz Age.他被认为是早期爵士乐时代的文学代言人。