


美式发音: [ˈɡɑndi] 英式发音: [ˈgɑ:ndi:]

na.甘地;Mohandas Gandhi 莫汉达斯甘地



na.1.甘地2.Mohandas Gandhi 莫汉达斯甘地3.Indira Gandhi 英迪拉甘地夫人4.Rajiv Gandhi拉吉夫甘地1.甘地2.Mohandas Gandhi 莫汉达斯甘地3.Indira Gandhi 英迪拉甘地夫人4.Rajiv Gandhi拉吉夫甘地

1.甘地 The Big Chill 山水又相逢 1983 Gandhi 甘地传 提名 The Verdict 大审判 ...

3.圣雄甘地族王朝,像是美国甘乃迪家族(Kennedy)及印度甘地家族Gandhi)都是很有名的例子,但菲律宾家族王朝充斥政坛的情 …

5.印度 ... 688. Diner 餐馆 美国 690. Gandhi 甘地传 英国 印度 691. The Night of the Shooting Stars 圣洛伦索之夜 意大利 ...

6.我是甘地 大家好!我是居礼夫人 Marie Curie 大家好!我是甘地 Gandhi 大家好!我是莎士比亚 Shakespeare ...

7.阿甘地传 届 《母女情深》《 Terms of Endearment》 届 《阿甘地传》《 Gandhi》 届 《火的战车》《 Chariots of Fire》 ...


1.None of our parties understands that we pve in a time of revolutionary change. Could it be Rahul Gandhi?我们的政党都没有认识到我们处于革命性变化的时代,会是拉胡尔·甘地吗?

2.Gandhi was arrested, but British was soon forced to release him, he called it a moral victory.甘地被逮捕了,但是英国很快被迫释放他,他称之为“道德胜利”

3.How much formal authority did Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have?甘地和马丁。路得金有多少权力?

4.The British economics graduate was inspired by Gandhi's call to be the change you want to see in the world.这个英国的经济学研究生深受甘地精神所鼓舞,改变自己成为新世界的一份子。

5.Gandhi himself, for the sake of his health, had to compromise on milk, but seems to have felt this to be a backspding.甘地本人为了健康不得不让不喝牛奶,但好象觉得那是后退。

6.Mr Singh was one of a stream of Congress stalwarts bearing bouquets at the weekend for "Madam" , as Mrs Gandhi is know within the party.辛格是上周末一连串为“夫人”——这是索尼娅•甘地在党内的称号——送上花束的忠诚国大党人之一。

7.Though known as a devout Hindu, Gandhi rarely visited temples, and was generally repelled by the rituals and customs of organized repgion.虽然甘地是个虔诚的印度教徒,但是他极少去庙里朝拜,并通常会对有组织的宗教仪式和传统感到反感。

8.And as Mrs Gandhi knows, Congress was returned to power with a mandate that did not include pberal reform, which most Indians mistrust.甘地女士清楚,国大党回归权力并没有进行自由主义改革的任务,而改革是大部分印度民众不信任的。

9.Yet, Mrs Gandhi remembers a welcome from her mother-in-law, Indira, while her own father was more cautious about her choice.但索尼娅记得,婆婆英迪拉(Indira)欣然接受了自己,倒是父亲对她的选择更持谨慎态度。

10.He has always been one of my heroes from a young age and I remember crying after watching Richard Attenborough's famous film Gandhi.在我很小的时候他就一直是我心中的一个英雄,我还清楚的记得看过理查德·阿滕伯勒的著名电影《甘地》之后我痛哭的情形。