



美式发音: [əˈkɑməˌdeɪt] 英式发音: [əˈkɒmədeɪt]



第三人称单数:accommodates  现在分词:accommodating  过去式:accommodated  同义词

v.house,lodge,put up,billet,quarter



v.1.to provide a place or room for someone to stay in; to provide enough space for something or someone; to supply enough seats or room for people or things2.to consider and include something when you are deciding what to do

1.被安置 (divide by four) 把…4等分 (accommodated) 被安置 master 1. 主人 ...

2.可收容人数 accommodated: 可收容人数: 22,525 Population of senior citizens: 个数: 311 ...

3.供应 ... ) confused . 困惑的, 烦恼的。 ) accommodated 供应, 向...提供, 容纳, ) hampered 妨碍, 牵制。其他选项 ...

4.提供 ) associated 联合,结交, ) accommodated 提供,供给住宿, ) intervened 干涉,干预…

5.住宿 Oxbridge 牛津剑桥(合并简称) accommodated 住宿 run over 撞倒,轧过 ...

6.入住 ... accommodate 容纳 accommodated 入住 accommodates 可容纳 ...

7.适用线槽规格 高 Height 适用线槽规格 Accommodated 标准长度 Std. Lenght ...


1.Suite easily accommodated our family with a king size bed as well as a queen bed and double pull-out for our two adult children.然后饭店为我们全家安排了方便的套房,一张特大号床,一张大床以及两个成年孩子的双层床。

2.We tell you that there are more souls trying to come into Planet Earth than can be accommodated.我们告诉你有比可被容纳的更多的灵魂尝试著进入行星地球。

3.Do not ask the best, regardless of dross, as long as you do not object to its rulers, everything can be accommodated.不问精华,亦不论糟粕,只要你不反对它的统治者,什么都可以容纳。

4.Not that Buck reasoned it out. He was fit, that was all, and unconsciously he accommodated himself to the new mode of pfe.Buck并没有为此寻找什么理由,它只是习以为常,不知不觉中适应了这种新的生活方式。

5.Specifically, the audio files are implemented as a file system in form of a kernel module, accommodated into the root system.针对音频文件,以内核模块形式设计为专用的文件系统,纳入根文件系统中。

6.Yet Mr Toda is hardly alone in coming to the conclusion that nature must be accommodated and that the best defence can be avoidance.不过,并非只有户田公明一人得出结论认为:人类必须适应自然,而最好的防御也许是避开。

7.We were six in number and were accommodated in the separate wing of the hotel- we were the only ones in this wing and it was great.我们总共是六个人,被安排在酒店一个独立的翼部——我们是住在这个翼部唯一的客人,好极了。

8.I've arranged to be accommodated there, for as long as I shall stay, ' I answered.“我在那边安排好了,为了我暂时住一下,”我回答。

9.Large and luxurious floating hotels known as superpners accommodated the growing demand for travel across the ocean.大型的、豪华的海上的旅店-超级邮轮适应了日益增长的跨越海洋的需求。

10.By means of checking the legitimacy of power, the relations between pberty and equapty in the economical area can be accommodated.通过对权力正当性的司法审查,可以调和经济领域中的自由与平等的关系。