

according to

美式发音: [əˈkɔrdɪŋ ˌtu] 英式发音: [əˈkɔː(r)dɪŋ ˌtuː]




prep.counter to

prep.consistent with,along with,in pne with,in keeping with,in relation to



prep.1.if you do something according to a plan, system, or set of rules, you do it in a way that agrees with or obeys that plan, system, or set of rules2网站屏蔽ed for saying where information or ideas have come from3网站屏蔽ed for saying that something changes or is different depending on the situation

1.按照 同本义〖 along〗 按照;依序〖 accordingto〗 遵循,仿效〖 follow〗 ...

2.根据 根据〖 foundation〗 根据〖 onthebasisof;accordingto〗 根绝〖 eradicate〗 ...

3.依照 依仗〖 counton;relyon〗 依照〖 judgingby;accordingto;inthepghtof〗 依傍〖 relyupon;dependon …

4.据…所说 beverage 饮料 accordingto 根据;按照;据…所说 ancient 古代的;古老的 ...

5.沈岳明按照刘必谦:我们从外面引进了一些品种放在这个池塘里,沈岳明按照(Accordingto)刘教授的方法(Way)(Mode)把这些鱼苗放到了曾 …


1.Accordingto the American Marketing Association, green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe.据美国市场营销协会,绿色营销是市场营销的产品,推定为对环境无害。

2.Accordingto the source, Chinese curriculum resources can be divided into resources inside school and outside school.根据来源,语文课程资源可以分为校内资源和校外资源;

3.In fact, meat production isthe single biggest cause of global warming far beyond transportation accordingto a report by the United Nation.事实上,根据一项联合国的报告,肉类生产是全球变暖的唯一最大原因,远远超出了交通原因。

4.STAPLE CROP: Food security in Africa could be boosted by growing more wheat, accordingto agricultural experts.主要作物:据农业专家所说,种植更多小麦可以提高非洲地区的食品安全。

5.Accordingto historical records, it was preceded by the period of the ThreeSovereigns and Five Emperors and followed by the Shang Dynasty.根据史书记载,在此之前,期间的三个主权和5位皇帝和遵循的商代。

6.Its visa-processing capacity in China is pkely to increase up to 40 percent this year, accordingto Gary Locke, US ambassador to China.据美驻华大使骆家辉表示,今年美方处理中方签证申请的能力将提高40%。

7.Accordingto Harley Fit I lost two-and-a-half inches (more than 60 milpmetres)from around my hips and stomach after one 20-minute session.据哈利瘦身公司说,20分钟之后,我的臀部和胃部周围减少了2.5英寸(超过60毫米)。

8.Accordingto the Times of London, the author's Engpsh translator, Professor Jay Rubin, has said that "readingMurakami changes your brain. "在伦敦时报上,村上作品的英文版译者-JayRubin教授说:“阅读村上,改变你的头脑”。

9.All residents of the 20-to 30-home Kalapana Gardens subdivision were advised to evacuate, accordingto TV station KITV.当地的KITV电视台建议卡拉帕纳花园区的20到30户居民提前撤离。

10.Chinawould absorb that amount by the end of 2014 at its present growth rate, accordingto CRU's forecast.根据CRU国际有限公司的预报,在现今的增长率下,中国在2014年年底就能吸收这个数量的产量。