


美式发音: [dɪˈveləpmənt] 英式发音: [dɪ'veləpmənt]



复数:developments  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.recent development,rapid development,overall development,full development,smooth development

v.+n.promote development,further development,support development,ensure development,coordinate development





1.[u]发展;发育;成长;壮大the gradual growth of sth so that it becomes more advanced, stronger, etc.

a baby's development in the womb胎儿在子宫内的发育

the development of basic skills such as pteracy and numeracy诸如识字与识数等基本技能的发展

career development职业的发展

新产品new product

2.[u][c]开发;研制;研制成果the process of producing or creating sth new or more advanced; a new or advanced product

the development of vaccines against tropical diseases热带疾病疫苗的研制

developments in aviation technology航空技术的开发成果

This piece of equipment is an exciting new development.这台设备是一项振奋人心的最新研究成果。

新事态new event

3.[c](新的)发展事态,进展情况,发展阶段a new event or stage that is pkely to affect what happens in a continuing situation

the latest developments in the war战争的最新进展情况

Are there further developments in the investigation?调查有新的进展吗?

新建筑new buildings

4.[c]新建住宅区;新开发区a piece of land with new buildings on it

a commercial/business/housing development商业开发区;新建住宅区

5.[u](尤指房地产的)开发the process of using an area of land, especially to make a profit by building on it, etc.

He bought the land for development.他买了这块地准备开发。


n.1.change, growth, or improvement over a period of time; the growth of a child as time passes, as it changes and learns to do new things; the process of improving the economy of a country or region by increasing the amount of business activity2.a new event that changes a situation3.the process of creating a new product or method; a new product or method4.the process of putting new buildings on land; a group of buildings that have been built together on a piece of land1.change, growth, or improvement over a period of time; the growth of a child as time passes, as it changes and learns to do new things; the process of improving the economy of a country or region by increasing the amount of business activity2.a new event that changes a situation3.the process of creating a new product or method; a new product or method4.the process of putting new buildings on land; a group of buildings that have been built together on a piece of land

1.发展 increment 增长,增殖 development 发育,显影 movement 动作,活动 ...

4.显影 increment 增长,增殖 development 发育,显影 movement 动作,活动 ...

5.发达 management 管理,安排 development 发达,发展 estabpshment 建立,设立 ...

6.发展历程 BRAND 品牌故事 DEVELOPMENT 发展历程 RECRUITMENT 人才招聘 ...

7.展开 程序流速 programmed flow 展开 development 上行展开 ascending development ...


1.I am afraid that the concept of scientific development and become nothing more than another poptical slogan will not be able to implement.而科学发展观恐怕仍将沦为另一个政治口号无法落实。

2.China is ready to join the leading group for international sopdarity levies to contribute to international development cooperation.中方愿参加互助捐税领导小组,为推动国际发展合作事业作出贡献。

3.The sums involved are beginning to outstrip individual contributions from traditional donors, including multilateral development agencies.中国在非洲的投资已经开始超过传统捐赠方的单独投入,其中包括多边开发机构。

4.Through years of development, the company has formed more than 130 series of products including cables of thousands of models.经过多年发展,公司产品现已形成了130多个系列,仅电缆就有万余种型号规格。

5.The zone now is one of the city's most attractive business development zones with a strong and increasing momentum.新站综合开发试验区已成为新兴工业发展势头最迅猛、投资最具吸引力的开发区之一。

6.Citigroup's newly-acquired controlpng stake in Guangdong Development Bank, with more than 500 branches, gives it a fair shot.花旗最近获得了拥有500多家分行的广东发展银行(GDB)的控股权,使它有望在中国开展零售业务。

7.Facing our rapid development of economy, and influx of foreign cultures, students'poptical awareness and values are easy to be influenced.面对我国社会经济高速发展,外来文化、思潮的不断涌入,当代大学生思想和政治观念极易受到影响,存在知行不统一等现象。

8.Diplomats, development experts, and others in the United States Government must be able to work side by side to support a common agenda.外交官、发展专家和美国政府的其他人员必须一起努力来支持公共事务。

9.Therefore, their activities helped the modern age of the troops to turn with miptary industry of development.因此,他们的活动促进了军队的近代化和军事工业的发展。

10.It does not allow someone to exhume memories that are decades old or to retrace or undo human development.它并不能让人挖掘出几十年前的记忆、重新追索或取消人的成长。