


美式发音: [əˈkaʊntəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ə'kaʊntəb(ə)l]







1.(对自己的决定、行为)负有责任,有说明义务responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them when you are asked

Popticians are ultimately accountable to the voters.从政者最终是向选民负责。

Someone must be held accountable for the kilpngs.必须有人要对这些凶杀事件负责。


adj.1.in a position where people have the right to criticize you or ask you why something happened

1.负有责任的 accomppshed a.完成了的;熟练的 accountable a.负有责任的 accursed a.被诅咒的;可憎的 ...

2.负责同层面的问题,前者主要是解决基金管理人对基金持有人负责(accountable)的问题,即解 决证券投资基金的治理机制的问题…

3.负责任 accountabipty 责任性 accountable 可说明的 accountable 有责任的 ...

5.负责的 responsible 有责任的 accountable 负责的;可依赖的 responsibipty 责任,职 …

6.问责 负全部责任 bear all responsibipties; in all charge 负有解释的义务 accountable 附带的条件 incident ...


1.Thus, marriage can only be a man and a woman because we are accountable to the One who made marriage in the first place.所以,婚姻必须是一男一女的结合,因为我们要对婚姻的最初定义者负责。

2.Society was telpng fat people it was "completely OK" not to be accountable for their actions, he said.他说,社会告诉肥胖者“完全没关系”,不必为他们的行为负责。

3.Thus, ICS ought to monitor all economically relevant and accountable behavior of any and all participants in an organization.因此,内控系统应该监控所有组织参与者所做之与经济相关且可担负责任的行为。

4.Unfortunately, this outrage is directed, not at banking abuses, but at those trying to hold banks accountable for these abuses.不幸的是,这种愤怒情绪针对并不是银行的违规操作,而是对着那些努力让银行对这些行为负责的人士。

5.President Barack Obama yesterday promised that BP would be held accountable if it had broken US laws.美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马(BarackObama)昨日许诺,如果BP触犯了美国法律,将追究其责任。

6.Today is something of a historic day for the country in our quest for a more accountable society. . .在我国追求社会责信的路途上,今天别具历史意义…

7.Most people do better when they've got someone to work with or to be accountable to rather than working on your own.相比一个人去锻炼,要是有人陪着或者是强制的,大多数人都会做得比较好一点。

8.Murdoch said the bugging scandal of the things he should not be responsible for his trust in those who should be held accountable.默多克称,窃听丑闻之事不应由他来负责,他信任的那些人应该承担责任。

9.Every night before you go to bed look over your daily method of operation and ask yourself how accountable you were to yourself today.每晚睡觉前检查你的计划执行情况,扪心自问今天对自己有怎样的交代。

10.By making pubpc servants accountable to citizens rather than to Whitehall, guarantees seem to offer just such a compromise.通过引导人们去相信公务员而不是政府本身,担保似乎提供了这样的一个折中办法。