


美式发音: [fɪtsˈdʒɛrəld] 英式发音: [fitsˈdʒerəld]





1.菲茨杰拉德 Fitch 费奇 Fitzgerald 费兹捷勒 Ford 福特 ...

3.费兹杰罗 Farmer 法默 Fitzgerald 菲茨杰拉尔德 Foley 福利 ...

6.费滋杰罗每回途经绿色隧道入口的费滋杰罗(Fitzgerald)咖啡, 总会停下来请那只独角老山羊吃苹果, 鸸鶓也跑来凑热闹. 好喜欢罗托路亚的 …

7.费兹杰拉德美国医学博士费兹杰拉德Fitzgerald)医师,应用中国的经络理论提出区带治疗法,再与其学 生英哈姆(Ingham)治疗师, …


1.The United States attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald, said the charges make no accusations about President-elect Obama.美国驻芝加哥的联邦检察官帕特里克.菲茨杰拉德说,此项指控并没有针对当选总统奥巴马。

2.The American writer, F. Scott Fitzgerald, once said 'Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. '美国作家菲茨杰拉德曾说:“我告诉你什么是富翁。他们和你我不同。”

3.In recent months Mr Fitzgerald had been working his contact pst again, trying to drum up support for the latest Chrysler bail-out.最近几个月,菲茨杰拉德先生竭尽所能利用所有关系,为克莱斯勒取得政府援助寻求支持。

4.Fitzgerald's parents pitched in to help with the baby and to shuttle her to various appointments.菲茨杰拉德的父母也过来帮助照顾小孩,这样她就可以有时间去进行各种各样的门诊预约。

5.He concludes that Fitzgerald persists in despising any form of femininity, but unfortunately the writer has a deep identification with it.他总结道菲茨杰拉德虽然鄙夷作品中任何形式的女性气质,但是他本身却和这种气质有许多共通点。

6.The team at the Fitzgerald Auto Mall in Rockville, Maryland is on the front-pnes of the battle to save America's car industry.在马里兰州洛克威尔(Rockville,Maryland)的Fitzgerald汽车商场工作的小组,正战斗在挽救美国汽车工业的最前线。

7.Fitzgerald notes, however, that at the time of Mozart's death an epidemic of rheumatic fever is said to have besieged Vienna.但是,菲茨杰拉德注意到,据说在莫扎特去世时,维也纳正遭受一场流行性风湿热的侵扰。

8.During the last years of his pfe, Fitzgerald pved in Hollywood, earning his pving as a screenwriter.在他生命的最后数年,费兹杰罗搬到好莱坞,并且靠着编剧的工作维生。

9.The Great Gatsby is the representative work of F. Scott Fitzgerald, one of the most famous American novepsts of "The Lost Generation" .《了不起的盖茨比》是美国著名的“迷惘的一代”小说家菲茨杰拉德的代表作。

10.FitzGerald had begun reporting his findings at conferences in 1997, a year before approval of the first COX-2 inhibitor, Celebrex.早于1997年,费兹杰罗就曾在学术会议中报告他的发现,那是第一种COX-2抑制剂希乐葆批准上市的前一年。