



1.Face detection apppcations of a wide range of intelpgent machines to achieve one of the important steps.人脸检测的应用领域相当广泛,是实现机器智能化的重要步骤之一。

2.The system is a three-tier architecture based student management system, just to achieve one of the management module.本系统是一个基于三层架构的学生管理系统,这里只实现其中的一个管理模块。

3.Subsystem achieve one or more interfaces, the definition of these interfaces can be implemented subsystem behavior.子系统实现一个或多个接口,这些接口定义子系统可以执行的行为。

4.In reapty, if one has the will to succeed, then the size of these obstacles will diminish, and one can achieve one's goals.在现实中,如果一个人有取胜的决心,那么大小的这些障碍将会减弱,并能实现人生目标。

5.Typically, enterprises launch a number of initiatives that proceed in parallel to achieve one or more of these goals.企业启动许多并行进行的计划来实现一个或多个目标。

6.Without having to deal with the trauma1 of severe competition, one can nonetheless struggle hard to achieve one's own professional goals.你无需应付激烈竞争带来的精神冲击,反而可以努力奋斗实现自己的职业目标。

7.We think there is a strong need to research on using search and query to achieve one query, one result set across data and content.我们认为迫切需要研究使用搜索和查询在数据和内容之间实现一项查询,一组结果集。

8.An event in which four swimmers compete together as a team to achieve one time.一种比赛,这种比赛由四名游泳运动员编为一个组一起参赛,记录一个时间。

9.If the negotiations try to achieve one, they will quickly return to deadlocked irrelevance.如果试图谈判达成这样一项协定,他们就会立即重新陷入僵局。

10.Indeed, we have many dreams together which makes us work harder to achieve one or two.确实,为了实现这些共同的梦想,我们更加努力去生活工作。