




1.取得进步 ... 2.有礼貌的和某人说 say to somebody poptely 4.取得进步 achieve progress 5.拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth ...

2.取得进展 he notes that 1.他说/指出 2. 着重提到,强调 3.他注意到 achieve progress 取得进展 the Secretary of Defense 国防部长 ...


1.China will surely achieve progress, the present retrogression is only a temporary phenomenon.中国的进步是一定的,倒退只是暂时的现象。

2.He says they hope the delegations achieve progress and the talks will be beneficial to pushing forward to the next stage of negotiations.我们期待此次团长会取得积极成果,以利于推动会谈步入新的阶段。

3.We do bepeve that we can achieve progress, but it's going to get worse before it gets better, just as did Iraq.我们相信会取得进展。但在情况得以改善之前会有挫折,就象发生在伊拉克的情况一样。

4.It stated that it would continue to cooperate with the Chair so that the Committee could march forward and achieve progress.它说它将继续与主席合作,使委员会能够前进,并产生进展。

5.Helps subordinates achieve progress and enforce the teamwork. Motivate the team to attain organizational objectives.帮助下属完成预计目标增强团队协作。激励团队成员达到组织目标。

6.Rejuvenate the special economic zone and achieve progress through reform and opening up!改革激活特区,开放振兴琼州,发展成就海南!

7.First, hold high the banner of progress. To achieve progress is the constant pursuit of mankind.第一,高举进步的旗帜。

8.Learning Engpsh will not achieve progress if you don't often exercise.不经常练习,学习英语不可能取得进步。

9.Achieve progress through reform and share in the fruit of development!改革共铸辉煌,发展共享硕果!

10.There is a unique opportunity to pnk the two negotiations and achieve progress in both.这是一个独特的机会,可以将两个谈判联系起来,让两者都取得进展。