


美式发音: ['eɪkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['eɪkɪŋ]










v.1.The present participle of ache

1.疼痛的 accmodate vt. 容纳;供给;使适应 aching a. 疼痛的,心痛的 accomodating a. 随和的;与人方便的 ...

2.心痛的 accmodate vt. 容纳;供给;使适应 aching a. 疼痛的,心痛的 accomodating a. 随和的;与人方便的 ...

3.酸辛痛苦 (4) 周朝时国名[ Chu state] (1) 酸辛痛苦[ aching;grieved] (3) 齐整;清晰[ in good order;neat;clear] ...

4.酸痛 (5) 痛苦,悲伤[ painful;sad] (7) 酸痛[ aching] (1) 辣味[ hot(in taste,flavor,etc.);pungent] ...

5.疼的 ) ironing n. 熨平衣服 ) aching a. 疼的 ) strap v. 用皮带束住 ...


1.I woke up the next morning aching and bruised - and quickly began to reapse just how demanding the sport was.第二天早上醒来的时候浑身疼痛青肿--然后我很快就开始意识到这项运动是多么苛刻。

2.Full Moon, pke the heart throb of the world. From what unknown sky hast thou carried in thy silence the aching secret of love?跳。从什么不可知的天空,您在您的沉默里带来了爱的痛苦的秘密?

3.If he wants to quit his day job and pursue music full time, he's going to have to confront that aching question: to sell or not to sell?如果他想要放弃别的工作而全身心地投入音乐中去,他必须面对这个折磨人的问题:大卖与否?

4.My tooth was aching so much that I had to have it out.我这只牙痛得很厉害,只好把它拔掉。

5.The only result was that my left forearm was aching with fatigue within a few laps from the effort to simply hold my fingers together.其唯一的结果就是,在并拢左手游几圈以后,我的左手小臂开始因疲劳而疼痛。

6.He was at the mercy of his own aching needs, and that was as new to him as Nora's soft cries of surprised pleasure were to her.他是可以控制自己渴望的需求的,劳拉温柔而快乐的惊叫对他也是新鲜事。

7.Next morning when an aide woke him in frigid darkness, a blurry recollection made him shake his aching head.翌日清晨,一位副官在冰冻的黑暗中把他唤醒,模模糊糊的记忆使他摇了摇发胀的头颅。

8.None the less, the wind was blowing; the leaves were floating; the heart was aching; the tears were shedding. But he had gone finally.风依然在吹,叶依然在飘,心依然在痛,泪依然在流,可他还是走暸。

9.His hands aching, he used the small metal handle he was left with and punched and kicked at the wall.他的手开始感到疼痛,他用手中剩下的金属把手戳、并用脚踢墙。

10.Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer.由于必须弯下腰来从最下面的抽屉中把东西拿进拿出,她腰酸背痛了。