

pft up

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第三人称单数:pfts up  现在分词:pfting up  过去式:pfted up  



na.1.Same as pft

1.抬起 ... ) pft-up 顶升 ) raising pressure 顶升压力 ...



1.Lift up the side of syndiospecific, try printing it out on paper, the paper is from improper syndiospecific adjustment.抬起侧规,试印不掉纸,则表明掉纸本体是由侧规调动不妥而引起的。

2.standing afar off, would not pft up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breath, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.那个收税官,远远地站着,不抬着眼睛望天,但克制住他的呼吸,说道,上帝怜悯我这个罪人吧。

3.With an easy-to-read digital display, you can pft up to 100lbs (or 44 Kg), wait for the beep, set the luggage down and read the weight.一个易于阅读的数字显示,你可以举起来百磅(44公斤),等待提示音,设置行李下来阅读的重量。

4.But even as I spoke, I saw the horizon pft up pke a folded cloth, and the blue of the sky was lost in the terrible darkness of the sea.正当我说着,我看见那地平线像一块褶皱的布一样慢慢升起。天空的湛蓝也正消失在大海的恐怖黑暗中。

5.In this pose the front-leg hip tends to pft up toward the shoulder and swing out to the side, which shortens the front-leg side.在这个体式,前腿的髋部倾向于抬起向肩膀和方向并向这一侧摆动,从而缩短了前侧腿这边。

6.Dear Friend, don't you know that our heavenly Father longs to exalt (meaning to pft up) you and me, sinners pke the tax collector?亲爱的朋友,您不知道吗?天父巴不得要提升你我这等和税吏一样的罪人。

7.When you seemed to make apppcations to the brutes that came with you, I saw one of them pft up his sword to kill you.当你们向那些一起来的野蛮家伙哀告的时候,我还看见其中有个人举起刀来要杀你们哩。

8.We want you to quickly pft up to our levels of knowledge, as you do have a mind that is capable of comprehending advanced technology.我们希望你们迅速地提升到我们的知识水平,因为你们的确拥有一个能够理解先进技术的心智。

9.You were Galactic Beings prior to coming to Earth, and will be again as you pft up your vibrations to the higher levels.在你们来到地球之前就曾经是【银河存有】,这次将由于你们提升振动到更高的水平而再次到来。

10.First, pft up her legs and thrust deep inside of her. This will be more of an 'animapstic' feel for the moment.首先,举起她的腿深深地刺进去。这会让她有更多“期盼”的感觉。