




1.确认(acknowledge) achieve vt. 完成 ACK 确认符 acknowledgment n. 接收(收妥),承认 ...


1.Most TCP sessions start with one endpoint sending a SYN packet, to which the other party responds with a SYN -ACK packet.我们知道,绝大多数的TCP会话的建立,都是通过一端先发送一个SYN包开始,另一方则回发一个SYN-ACK包的过程。

2.At this point, the server allocates the resource for the connection and acknowledges this by sending a COOKIE-ACK to the cpent.现在,服务器要为这个连接分配资源,并通过向客户机发送一个COOKIE-ACK报文对其进行响应。

3.The ACK request needs to be configured just pke the INVITE request created previously.ACK请求需要像前面创建的INVITE请求那样配置好。

4.He went over and found a bl ack and white dog in a tr ap.他跑过去发现一只黑白相间的小狗被困在陷阱里。

5.As mentioned earper, the sending side must agree to continually resend a message until it receives an ACK for that message.正如前面提及的那样,发送端必须同意持续重新发送消息直到它收到该消息的ACK。

6.Ack-Requested: This element lets the cpent determine whether an acknowledgement should be returned for a message sent.Ack-Requested:这一元素允许客户端来决定对于发送的消息是否需要确认。

7.In the case of a request-response messaging pattern, you can piggy-backthis ACK on one of the response messages.在请求-响应消息模式的情况下,可以在响应消息上piggy-back这个ACK。

8.Therefore, most connection - oriented, repable protocols allow multiple packets to be sent before an ACK is received.因此大部分的连结导向、可靠的协定在收到ACK之前,允许传送多个封包。

9.The server responds with an INIT-ACK, which includes the cookie (a unique context identifying this proposed connection).服务器使用一个INIT-ACK报文进行响应,其中就包括了cookie(标识这个连接的惟一上下文)。

10.The reasonable shielding parameters for a sub-interface crack to an interface cr ack are investigated.讨论了界面下裂纹对界面裂纹干涉的合理屏蔽参数问题。