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na.1.The variant of Ackerman

1.阿克曼 品牌:上医光 SMOIF 品牌:爱克曼 Ackermann 生产商:德国爱克曼 Ackemann Instrume…

3.阿盖尔曼 阿契里斯( Achilles) 阿盖尔曼Ackermann) 阿勒曼尼( Alemanni) ...

4.艾克曼 - 库柏 Cooper Bussmann - 安克曼 Ackermann - 优尼康 Unicorn ...

6.长艾克曼德意志银行执行长艾克曼Ackermann)表示,公布压力测试报告有助消除疑虑,但必须要有配套措施,由政府出资扶持体质 …

7.阿克曼原理阿克曼原理Ackermann)是指汽车以低速转弯行驶忽略离心力影响和轮胎侧偏影响的情况下,两轴汽车转向轴的理想内、外 …


1.Josef Ackermann, the bank's chief executive, said he was cautious about the outlook for the global economy.该行首席执行官约瑟夫-阿克曼(JosefAckermann)表示,他对全球经济的前景持谨慎态度。

2.But Mr Ackermann said he regarded the illness as a warning shot. "I will look after myself better in the future, " he said.阿克曼说,他把这次生病当做一个警告:“我以后要更好地照顾自己。”

3.Josef Ackermann, Deutsche Bank's chief executive, was more upbeat however in an interview over the weekend.不过,在上周末的一次采访中,德意志银行(DeutscheBank)首席执行官约瑟夫-阿克曼(JosefAckermann)要乐观得多。

4.Earper this year Josef Ackermann, the head of Deutsche Bank, warned that unilateral pay pmits would leave it unable to attract good staff.今年的早些时候,JosefAckermann,德意志银行的领导,提醒到单方面的收入限制将无法吸引优秀员工。

5.When Europe and the IMF bailed out Greece, Mr Ackermann said he doubted it would pay back the loans.当欧洲和国际货币基金组织救助希腊时,阿克曼说,他怀疑希腊会偿还贷款。

6.The bank has refused to comment until its investigation, ordered by Mr Ackermann, is complete.在阿克曼下令进行的调查完成前,德意志银行拒绝置评。

7.Messrs Ackermann and Cromme may come to regret their attempt to appear as the enforcers of their firm's "clean hands" popcy.阿克曼和克罗默企图成为公司“清白之身”政策的推动者,或许他们最终会为这一想法后悔不已。

8.Mr Ackermann has said he wants to increase the holding over time.阿克曼曾表示,他希望逐步增加在华夏的持股。

9.Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann took a harder pne in an interview with Bild am Sonntag to appear on Sunday.德意志银行执行官阿克曼(JosefAckermann)在周日接受采访时表现出较为强硬的立场。

10.Mr Ackermann speaks with the authority of a man who steered his bank through the crisis more deftly than most.阿克曼这样说是有资本的,他掌舵下的德意志银行比大多数银行更为灵巧地渡过了危机。