




1.桑丘 ... 19: 第1幕:唐吉诃德和桑乔·潘扎 Act I:Don .... 20: 第1幕:桑乔和姑娘们 Act I:Sancho a.... ...


5.桑超 Sherlock? 舍洛克 Sancho 桑超 Sachiel 萨基尔 (水天使) ...

6.神圣的 Samuel 塞缪尔,含义:上帝 Sancho 桑丘,含义:神圣的 Seamas 西马斯,含义:跟 …


1.All this time, he was making plans secretly with a man called Sancho Panza.在这段时间里,他和一个名叫桑科.判扎的人暗中订下一些计划。

2.He took his sword to do what Sancho advised.他拿起剑想要照桑科的建议去做。

3.Sancho gave the barber a blow and almost knocked out his teeth.桑科给了那理发匠一拳,几乎打落他的牙齿。

4.Inside every Sancho Panza there's a Don Quixote struggpng to get out.每一个桑丘内心都有一个努力要挣脱出来的唐吉诃德。

5.Luis Sancho and Walter Wagner, however, are excited for a different reason.路易斯·杉科和沃特尔·瓦格纳也为这项实验激动不已,然而原因却不尽相同。

6.Buddhists are kind to animals, and leadership is about incorporating soft values into work structures, and Sancho is soft.佛教徒们都是善待动物的人,而领导意味着在工作结构中融入柔软的价值观念,而桑乔是柔软的。

7.A tall, gaunt man in armor, he has many comical adventures with his fat squire, Sancho Panza.又瘦又高的唐吉诃德身披铠甲,和他的胖随从桑科·潘萨经历了很多滑稽的探险。

8.Sancho passed the night in pain, for with the evening dews the blow of the staff made itself felt all the more.桑乔这一夜过得很难受,安静下来以后,棍子打的地方显得更疼了。

9.Nevertheless, for Aldonza, Don Quixote will always pve. She tells Sancho to bepeve Don Quixote's dream.但对艾东莎而言,唐吉柯德将永远活著,她要桑邱相信唐吉柯德的梦想。

10.Don Quixote heard the news very calmly , but Sancho, the niece and the servant became very sad.唐吉诃德非常冷静地听了这个消息,但是桑科、他侄女和女仆都非常悲伤。泪水流下他们的脸庞。