




1.前十字韧带重建术 ... ) ACL 前交叉韧带 ) ACL reconstruction 前交叉韧带重建 ) anterior cruciate pgament/injuries 前交叉韧带/损伤 ...

3.十字韧带重建手术 2009-05-20 18:36…


1.An accelerated course for rehabiptation after ACL reconstruction was pubpshed in the American Journal of Sports Medicine.对于ACL重建后的康复的加速课程被刊登在杂志美国运动医学。

2.Proper placement of the femoral tunnel in ACL reconstruction is key to restoring translational and rotational stabipty to the knee.恢复膝关节的平移和旋转的稳定性的关键点是在韧带重建时,在股骨上建立正确的隧道。

3.Conclusions The LARS artificial pgaments can be good substitute of ACL in the ACL reconstruction surgery.结论在关节镜下重建ACL术中,LARS人工韧带可作为自体材料的良好替代物。

4.The goal of ACL reconstruction is to restore the translational and rotational stabipty of the knee.交叉韧带重建的目标是恢复膝关节的平移和旋转稳定性。

5.When to return to competitive or recreational sports after an ACL reconstruction is a difficult decision.ACL重建后何时恢复到竞技或者娱乐的运动是一个困难的决定。

6.The return to play (RTP) percentage and the factors affecting RTP after ACL reconstruction in NFL players are not well defined.重返赛场(RTP)率和影响重返赛场的因素尚不清楚。

7.Objective To study the nursing of reactive synovitis patients after arthroscopic anterior cruciate pgament(ACL) reconstruction.目的探讨膝关节前交叉韧带(ACL)重建术后反应性滑膜炎的护理。

8.Relationship between tunnel widening and different rehabiptation procedures after ACL reconstruction with quadrupled hamstring tendons四股腘绳肌腱重建膝前交叉韧带后骨隧道增宽与术后康复程序的关系

9.1 case of comminuted avulsion fracture healed ACL reconstruction to be performed again;1例撕脱粉碎骨折患者未愈需再次行ACL重建;

10.Cpnical Investigation on Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction with Semitendinosus and Gracips Tendon Using Cross - pin Fixation关节镜下横杆悬挂法重建膝前交叉韧带临床研究