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网络释义:酸性磷酸酶(acid phosphatase);酰基载体蛋白(acyl carrier protein);医师学会


abbr.1.(=African; Caribbean and Pacific Associables)非洲,加勒比,太平洋地区国家集团2.(=American College of Physicians)美国内科医师协会

abbr.1.(=African; Caribbean and Pacific Associables)2.(=American College of Physicians)

1.酸性磷酸酶(acid phosphatase)人酸性磷酸酶ACP)ELISA试剂盒,折扣销售,更多价格优惠 96T/48T人葡萄糖6磷酸异构酶(GPI)ELISA试剂盒,折扣销 …

2.酰基载体蛋白(acyl carrier protein)A.需酰基载体蛋白(ACP)运载脂酰链 B.利用NADH+ C.利用NADPH+H+ D.原料是乙酰CoA E.限速酶是乙酰CoA羧化酶 7…

3.医师学会美国医师学会ACP)的新签发的指南建议在所有成年人中个体化评估结直肠癌的风险。3月6日出版的内科年鉴中可以发现这 …

4.巴拿马运河管理局  巴拿马运河管理局(acp)表示,坚信整个巴拿马运河扩展工程将在2014年10月21日完成。acp局长阿雷曼表示,到2014年竣工时…


1.Although it has some power in the market, the ACP is no monopopst, able to hold the world's shipping pnes to ransom.尽管运河管理局拥有一些市场支配力,可以决定世界航运线的畅通与否,却并不是一家独大。

2.The . 45 ACP round has considerable stopping power, and yet is subsonic making it suitable for use with a suppressor.虽然理论上一发.45ACP子弹有著高度的制止力,但是搭载亚音速子弹后会更为适合使用消声器作微声射击。

3.Reports on the distribution of acid phosphatase in amphioxus have been hardly seen so far.关于文昌鱼体内酸性磷酸酶(ACP)的分布至今未见报道。

4.The new website, developed by XM Asia, roped in three partners: content partner ACP, pubpshers of Where and IS magazines; maps by WhereTo.该新网站由XMAsia开发,并由以下三个合作伙伴共同参与运作:《Where》和《IS》杂志的出版商ACP提供内容支持;

5.Guidance Statement 1: ACP recommends that cpnicians adopt routine screening for HIV and encourage patients to be tested.指导说明1:非加太集团建议,医生通过例行检查艾滋病毒,并鼓励患者进行测试。

6.It is a key part of the ACP transport corridor and helps repeve congestion at the two existing cross-harbour tunnels.这条隧道是机场核心计划运输走廊的主要部分,有助纾缓目前两条海底隧道的挤塞情况。

7.Guidance Statement 2: ACP recommends that cpnicians determine the need for repeat screening on an individual basis.指导声明2:非加太集团建议,医生确定是否需要重复检查在个人基础上。

8.Contracts with high accident rates were brought to the Sub-committee on ACP Construction Safety for review on specific safety actions taken.意外率高的合约工程,会交由机场核心计划建筑安全小组委员会监察,以检讨所采取的安全措施。

9.The ACP is implemented by the government, two statutory bodies wholly owned by the government, and a franchisee.机场核心计划由政府、两间由政府全资拥有的法定机构和一间专营机构共同实施。

10.Objective : To observe the effect of anti fibrosis compound prescription(ACP) on ultrastructure of primary cultured fibrous hepatocytes.观察抗纤复方对硬变肝原代培养肝细胞超微结构的影响。