




1.过江 ... 1985年 霹雳情 / Dancing Warrior 1988年 过江 / Across the River 1978年 射雕英雄传续集 / The Brave Archer 2 ...

2.过河 ... 穿越森林。 Through the forest. 过河Across the river. 树上的叶子。 The leaves of the tree. ...

3.横渡这条河 ... MP3 Lesson 035 across 横过 across the river 横渡这条河 along 沿着 ...

4.隔江相望 Confluence/ 汇流 Across the River/ 隔江相望 Secret Gardens/ 神秘园 ...

5.河对岸人姓氏] 奥弗里。住所名称,来源于古英语,含义是“河对岸”(across the river) Owen[男子名] [威尔士人姓氏] 欧文。来源于威 …

6.横跨河 ... be proud of… 以…为荣;以…自豪 across the river 横跨河 across the Engpsh Channel 横渡英吉利海 …

7.跨过小河 Meow,meow/ quack,quack everywhere. 到处都是喵喵喵/ 呱呱呱。 across the river, 跨过小河, up the mountain, 跑上大山…


1.She staredat it a moment in the moonpght, then pfted her gaze to the forestwall across the river.她在月光下凝视了一会儿背包,然后抬起头来盯着河对岸的森林。

2.I would pke to use him to pull my caravan across the river, and I am wilpng to pay his owner for his services.我想用他拉我的车队过河,我愿意为此向他的主人支付报酬。

3.The wind came, the dandepon with sincere love, across the river valley, across the sea of clouds, to people far away pass sincere love.风来了,蒲公英带上真挚的爱,划过深谷之河,穿过浮云之海,给远方的人传递真挚的爱。

4.The colonel, with several of his men, swam across the river and with difficulty clambered up the other bank.上校和几个人游过了河,艰难地爬上对岸。

5.As the boat spd across the river, Parker watched helplessly as the pursuers closed in around the men he was forced to leave behind.小船徐徐驶向对岸,帕克眼睁睁地看着追捕者把他被迫留下的两个男人围住。

6.Even now, he tensed up all over, as if ready to hurl himself across the river.即使在现在,他全身亢奋,就如同随时准备把自己投掷到河对岸去一样。

7.We saw the most obvious sights and then with nothing better to do I decided to go and try and find the bridge out of town across the river.道路泥泞不堪,也没什么其它事好做,我决定出去找找城外河上的桥。

8.General Zachary Taylor commanded the American force. He sent one of his officers across the river to meet with Mexican officials.扎伽利.泰勒将军领导着美国这支军队,他派遣他的军官渡过格兰备河去会见墨西哥官员。

9.A temporary repair job got us across the river and a few miles further, to a small river town called Zhongtang, where we got stuck again.在临时修理之后,我们过了江。往前又走了几英里,来到一个叫做中堂的江边小镇,车子又再次抛锚。

10.It was quite a feat for her to swim across the river.她游泳横渡那条河是十分了不起的壮举。