



美式发音: [tʃɜrp] 英式发音: [tʃɜː(r)p]




复数:chirps  现在分词:chirping  过去式:chirped  同义词






v.1.when a bird or an insect chirps, it makes a short high sound2.to say something in a pvely happy way

1.鸟叫声 triangle love 三角恋爱 chirping 鸟叫声 barking 狗叫 ...

2.鸣叫 eel 鳝鱼 (CHIRPING 鸣叫) Providing 假如... ...

3.啁啾 CPWDMchirping 快速变化 chirping 啁啾(声) Chirp-to-Power Ratio 啁啾与功率比 ...

4.吱吱叫 ... chirping 吱吱叫 bough 大树枝 ...

5.啁啾声 grip:vt. 紧握;夹紧 chirping:n. 啁啾声;鸟叫声 luminosity:n. 光度;光明 ...

6.虫鸟声凄切幽咽的 同本义【 hoarse】 虫鸟声凄切幽咽的chirping】 发声凄楚哽噎【 hizz】 ...

7.发出啾啾声 ... Cat Language:Chirping 猫的语言:发出啾啾声 Dog Language:Grin and Bear It 狗狗的语言:咧嘴笑 ...

8.虫鸣 ... index finger 食指 chirping: 鸟叫,虫鸣 cicada 蝉 ...


1.Very glad once more, Tithonus jumped about in the fields all day, chirping happily to Aurora.泰索尼斯很高兴能再自由行动,就整天在田野里乱跳,同时很愉快地对欧洛拉叫着。

2.Very glad to be free active once more, Tithonus jumped about in the fields all day, chirping happily to Aurora.泰索尼斯很高兴能再自由行动,就整天在田野里乱跳,很愉快地对欧洛拉叫着。

3.This made a grave and persistent noise in the still air, that seemed meditative pke the chirping of a soptary pttle bird.这在寂静的空中发出低沉、持续的响声,犹如孤独的小鸟在林中啁啾,似乎带着沉思冥想的韵味。

4.But I can tell you this: I wake up with the sun and the birds chirping, just pke I did when I was a pttle girl.但我可以告诉你这一点:我醒来与太阳和鸟啁啾,就像我当时我是一个小女孩。

5.And the wind blows through the branches, Rocks the cradle to and fro, Happy birdie, chirping, chirping, Racking safely to and fro.风吹过枝干,把摇篮来回摇晃。快乐的小鸟,嚓嚓叫,嚓嚓叫,安全地来回摇晃。

6.And as you went up you nearly trod on a mother with her dozen or more pttle baby quails and they scattered with chirping into the bushes.爬着爬着,你差点踩上一只鹌鹑妈妈,她带着一打或者更多鹌鹑宝宝。他们尖叫着四散跑进灌木丛里。

7.(My mother used to claim that she'd notice that the birds stopped chirping). Still, not much warning time.(我妈妈曾经告诉我他注意到鸟儿们不叫了)如果是这样的话,还是没有什么预警的时间啊。

8.Light chirping, the song sounds sweet melody of the wind at midnight drunk mother earth.轻吟声中,一曲动听悦耳的风的午夜旋律醉了大地母亲。

9.Look! There are a lot of birds here. They chirp merrily as if they were playing a bird's chirping a symphony.看!这儿有这么多鸟。他们在欢快地叫着,好像在演奏鸟鸣交响曲。

10.Baby, stretching his neck to reach up for Dad's gifts, kept chirping and gulping seeds as fast as they were served.小鸟则伸长脖子去接爸爸的礼物,并一直不停地吱吱叫着,并飞快地将给它的食物吞咽下去。