




1.第三幕 第一幕 & 第二幕Act I & Act II 第三幕 Act III 第四幕 Act IV ...

2.第三幕-玛祖卡 ... (Act III) 第三幕-拿破里舞曲 (Act III第三幕-玛祖卡 1 Eugene Onegin-Polonaise 叶甫盖尼•奥涅金---波洛奈兹舞 …

3.第三幕-拿破里舞曲 ... (Act III) 第三幕-西班牙舞曲 (Act III第三幕-拿破里舞曲 (Act III) 第三幕-玛祖卡 ...

4.第三幕-西班牙舞曲 ... (Act III) 第三幕-匈牙利舞曲 (Act III第三幕-西班牙舞曲 (Act III) 第三幕-拿破里 …

5.第三幕-匈牙利舞曲 ... (Act II) 第二幕-双人舞 (Act III第三幕-匈牙利舞曲 (Act III) 第三幕-西班 …

6.第三章 ... Defeat Bepal,Lord of Lies! 战胜 贝利亚,谎言君 Act III: 第三章 Boss:The Mistress of Pain 老板:疼痛娘 ...


1.ACT III ACT III Two weeks. I said I could do it in two weeks, and I did it.两周。我说过我两周就能完成,现在我做到了。

2.So it is pkely that for Mr Obama and Mrs Cpnton at least, there will be an Act III, and possibly more, after Super Tuesday.所以对于奥巴马和克林顿来说,第三幕肯定会上演,或许”超级周二“后还会有更多好戏连场上演。

3.ACT III ACT III And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal.每餐之后给她吃一茶匙的药。

4.ACT III And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal.每餐之後给她吃一茶茶匙的药

5."Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? " Hamlet Quote (Act III, Sc. II).“你以为玩弄我比玩弄一枝笛子容易么?”。摘自《哈姆雷特》(第三幕,第二场)

6.Act III Genoa is celebrating Boccanegra's victory over the rebels.第三幕热那亚正在庆祝波卡涅拉击败叛乱分子的胜利。

7.Act III Two of Rinaldo's fellow knights, Ubaldo and Carlo, have been sent on a mission to rescue him.第三幕里纳尔多的两名同袍骑士乌瓦尔多和卡罗,肩负使命前来营救里纳尔多。

8.Act III At Octavian's instigation, Annina and Valzacchi prepare the back room of a dingy inn for Ochs's rendezvous.第三幕在奥克塔维的授意下,安尼娜及瓦萨奇在一个简陋的旅店准备好房间,作为与奥斯的幽会地点。

9.Act III is the apex of the story. The other consideration is the action scene descriptions.另外要考虑的是对动作场景的描述。

10.Act III At dawn, Cavaradossi awaits execution at the Castel Sant'Angelo.第三幕黎明时分,卡瓦纳多希等侯著他在圣天使城堡的行刑。