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abbr.〈美(=Federal Exchange Commission)联邦交易委员会

网络释义:前向纠错(Forward Error Correction);前向纠错编码;转发等价类(Forwarding Equivalence Class)


abbr.1.〈美〉(=Federal Exchange Commission)联邦交易委员会

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Federal Exchange Commission)

1.前向纠错(Forward Error Correction) SGD 新加坡元 FEC 外汇券 PLD 菲律宾 ...

5.选举委员会美国选举委员会FEC)公布的最新数据显示,罗姆尼在4月至少筹得1172万美元。而民主党候选人奥巴马该月共获得2570万 …

6.前向纠错码前向纠错码FEC)的码字是具有一定纠错能力的码型,它在接收端解码后,不仅可以发现错误,而且能够判断错误码元所在 …


1.This week, the sopcitor-general appeared to retreat from this outrageous claim, saying that the FEC almost certainly would not ban books.本周,副检察长出面并且撤销了此次引发民愤的诉讼案,并表示联邦选举委员会基本上不会禁止书籍的出版。

2.If people can use foreign currencies officially, the FEC may become a useless paper, " said the bank manager. "如果人们可以正式使用外国货币,外汇券可能成为一张无用的纸,银行经理称。

3.Before the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC, I thought these changes alone would be enough at least to get reform started.在联邦最高法院作出联合公民起诉联邦选举委员的判决前,我想光这些改变就足以拉开改革的序幕。

4.Economists in Burma said the drop of the US dollar and FEC values ped in the current economic pattern.缅甸的经济学家说,美元外汇券值下跌由于当前经济格局改变。

5.There are usually six commissioners on the FEC, appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate, to staggered six-year terms.联邦选举委员会一般有六名委员。他们由总统命名并得到参议院批准,每人任期六年,但任期相互交错。

6.The FEC consists of six commissioners appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate.联邦选举委员会包括在参议院建议和同意的情况下由总统任命的六名委员。

7.All donations to federal candidates or poptical committees must be either from individuals or committees registered with the FEC.所有给联邦职务竞选人或政治委员会的捐款必须来自个人或在联邦选举委员会注册的委员会。

8.Notwithstanding its name, the FEC only supervises and enforces campaign finance laws; it does not actually conduct the elections.联邦选举委员会负责监督和执行竞选财务法,但不负责组织选举。

9.Channel throughput is improved through FEC, delayed acknowledgements with selective retransmissions and dynamic channel change.通过FEC、有选择性重发的滞后确认和动态信道变化,信道的吞吐量得到大大改进。

10.FEC has also a translation centre that provides translation service and interpreters of many different languages.致远学校还设有致远翻译部,提供多国语言的口译和笔译服务。