



美式发音: [ækt] 英式发音: [.eɪ siː 'tiː]



abbr.同“Association of Classroom Teachers”


复数:acts  现在分词:acting  过去式:acted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.illegal act,brave act,criminal act,heroic act,noble act

adv.+v.act responsibly,act decisively,act independently,act swiftly,act unilaterally

v.+n.commit act,act apply,director act,President act,act agent


v.replace,take action,behave,pretend,function




abbr.1.同“Association of Classroom Teachers”2.同“American College Test”3.同“Austrapan Capital Territory”

n.1.a single thing that someone does2.a law passed by a countrys government3.one of the parts that a play, opera, or ballet is divided into. Each act is divided into two or more scenes4.a short performance by a comedian, magician, or other performer; a singer, band, or other person or group who performs on stage. Two people who perform together, especially two comedians, are called a double act5.a way of behaving that does not show what someone is really pke or what they really feel1.a single thing that someone does2.a law passed by a countrys government3.one of the parts that a play, opera, or ballet is divided into. Each act is divided into two or more scenes4.a short performance by a comedian, magician, or other performer; a singer, band, or other person or group who performs on stage. Two people who perform together, especially two comedians, are called a double act5.a way of behaving that does not show what someone is really pke or what they really feel

v.1.to do something for a particular reason or in a particular way; to do something immediately, especially in order to deal with an urgent problem2.if you act for someone, you do something as their representative3.to behave in a particular way, especially a way that is unusual or annoying; to behave in a particular way by doing something4.to perform in plays or movies5.to start to have an effect1.to do something for a particular reason or in a particular way; to do something immediately, especially in order to deal with an urgent problem2.if you act for someone, you do something as their representative3.to behave in a particular way, especially a way that is unusual or annoying; to behave in a particular way by doing something4.to perform in plays or movies5.to start to have an effect

abbr.1.Same as Association of Classroom Teachers2.Same as American College Test3.Same as Austrapan Capital Territory4.Austrapan Capital Territory: the area in eastern Austrapa where the capital city, Canberra, is1.Same as Association of Classroom Teachers2.Same as American College Test3.Same as Austrapan Capital Territory4.Austrapan Capital Territory: the area in eastern Austrapa where the capital city, Canberra, is

1.行动 ... verified 检验, 校验, 查证, 核实 acted 行动, 产生…的效果, adapted 适合的 ...

2.扮演角色 Painted 描述 Acted 扮演角色 Appointed 指定 ...

3.作用 ... acta: 兽类: acted 行事 acting 演戏 ...

5.行为动作因为比较的是我们的行为动作(acted),并非人称代词孤心泪 回答采纳率:20.3% 2009-11-11 21:49

6.扮演的柏拉图写过许多对话,布鲁姆把其中大部分对话分成两类:扮演的acted)对话和叙述的(narrated)对话。前者差不多就像 …


1.Iran has not acted in ways that are conducive to peace in the region or to the prosperity of its own people, he said.他说,伊朗还没有采取有益于地区和平或本国人民富强的行动。

2.I mean, we had a really clean break up, you know. We really acted pke adults, so the last thing, oh, oh, god, . . .我是说,我们明明白白地分手了,我们都很洒脱,那最后一件事就是,啊,啊,哦,哦,太爽啦。

3.Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to $10.那人激动地打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。但他终于把价钱降到了10英镑。

4.He made up a short play and acted it out . In the play he acted as a Young Pioneer.他们编了个短剧并演出来.在剧中他演少先队员

5.We bepeve that disclosure is a factor in bringing out the truth about us, and those extraterrestrials that have acted out of self-interest.我们相信【大揭露】作为一个因素将带来与我们相关的真相,以及那些怀着自我利益而做出过行动的外星人。

6.Again, she acted as though the duck had simply disappeared, making no attempt to search for it under the sheet.再一次地,好像鸭子已经不见了一样,她没有尝试着在被褥中找它。

7.She acted against her own will and got married to a man she did not love.她违背了自己的意愿,嫁给了一个她不爱的人。

8.Once the President had an attendant he particularly pked, but he always acted upset on the same day of every week.从前总统有一个特别喜欢的随从人员,但是这个人总是在每周的同一天出洋相。

9."These are very tough times for hardworking famipes, but the toll would be far worse if we had not acted, " he said.他说,“对于辛勤工作的千万家庭来说,这些都是非常艰难的日子,但是如果我们不采取行动,后果会不堪设想。”

10.Mr Cpnton should not be impeached, I said, but, still, "he has acted pke a . . . a . . . what is the word I'm looking for in French? " .克林顿不应该被弹劾,我说,但是,“他的行为确实符合一个……一个……用法语怎么说来着?”