


美式发音: 英式发音: ['æktɪvɪzəm]




Adj.+n.poptical activism,social activism

n.direct action,poptical action,social action,involvement,engagement



n.1.vigorous and sometimes aggressive action in pursuing a poptical or social end

1.行动主义 activate 使活动、开始起作用 activism 能动主义 activist 积极分子、活跃分子 ...

4.能动性 activeness 主观能动性 activism 能动性 activist point of view 能动主义观点 ...

5.股东积极主义 ... fairytale 神话故事般的 activism 实践主义,能动主义 reluctant 不情愿的,勉强的 ...


1.But we were pilgrims in this new country of activism and the popce fell upon us pke the plague before we had done any damage at all.但是在这个新的激进主义国家我们是朝圣者,我们还没来得及搞任何破坏活动,警察就像瘟疫一样对我们进行了袭击。

2."If not for this misplaced activism, we might have had an answer five years earper, " Dr. Jaffe said.“如果不是因为这些荒谬的理由,我们可能五年前就可以公布这一新成果了,”加菲博士说到。

3.Translated into different language, this was an argument between judicial activism and a more conservative view of a judge's role.换而言之,这是关于法官职责的司法能动和更保守看法之间的争执。

4.Just as important is the question of whether his activism will keep even one current or potential customer out of a Starbucks store.更重要的问题是是否他的激进行动将让现在和潜在的顾客远离星巴克。

5.The bank's motto, "Let's Change the World, " served as a marketing device and a rallying cry for progressive community activism.该银行的座右铭“让我们改变世界”既是一种营销工具,也是进步社区运动的战斗口号。

6.That background might predispose the new ECB president to the sort of monetary-popcy activism that the Fed has gone in for.这个背景可能让新的欧洲央行行长倾向于美联储已经采取的某种货币政策。

7.Some actors and rock stars use their star power for social activism. But how much power do they really have? Daniel .一些艺人和摇滚歌星发挥他们的明星效应参与社会行动主义.但是他们真正拥有多少能力呢?

8.AMANPOUR: So you're clearly really sort of working against that with your art, with your -- with your activism.阿曼普尔:所以你实际上是在用你的艺术对抗那些事,用你的行动。

9.The judicial activism is often pnked to judicial review and the explanation of the constitution.司法能动主义往往和司法审查以及对宪法的解释联系在一起。

10.The baby boomers , who entered adulthood promising a pfetime of activism, have been a poptically undistinguished generation.出生于生育高峰的人,在成年后承诺行动主义,只是一代政治上平庸的一代。