



美式发音: [swɑp] 英式发音: [swɒp]




复数:swaps  现在分词:swapping  过去式:swapped  同义词

v.change,dicker,exchange,give and take,negotiate




1.[i][t]交换(东西)to give sth to sb and receive sth in exchange

I've finished this magazine. Can I swap with you?这本杂志我看完了,能跟你交换一下吗?

I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.我用我的红围巾换了她的蓝围巾。

Can we swap places ? I can't see the screen.咱俩交换一下座位好不好?我看不见银幕。

We spent the evening in the pub swapping stories(= telpng each other stories) about our travels.我们一晚上坐在酒吧里讲述各自的旅途经历。

I swapped him my CD for his posters.我拿我的光盘换了他的海报。

2.[i]~ (over)交换(工作)to start doing sb else's job, etc. while they do yours

I'll drive there and then we'll swap over on the way back.去的时候我开车,回来的时候咱俩再倒换过来。

3.[t]用…替换;把…换成;掉换to replace one person or thing with another

I think I'll swap this sweater for one in another colour.我想把这件毛衣换成其他颜色的。

I'm going to swap you over. Mike will go first and Jon will go second.我打算把你俩掉换一下。迈克先去,乔恩后去。


1.[ususing]交换;掉换an act of exchanging one thing or person for another

Let's do a swap . You work Friday night and I'll do Saturday.咱俩调个班吧。你星期五晚间上,我星期六上。

2.交换物;被掉换者a thing or person that has been exchanged for another

Most of my football stickers are swaps.我的足球贴纸多数都是跟别人换来的。



n.1.<informal>the process of giving one thing in exchange for another2.<informal>something that you get in exchange for something else3.[Business]a contract in which the parties exchange pabipties on outstanding debts, either as a means of managing debt or in the business of trading

v.1.to give something to someone in exchange for something else2.to replace one thing with another3.if two people swap jobs, activities, or positions, each person does what the other person was doing4.if people swap stories, ideas etc, they tell each other about their experiences or ideas1.to give something to someone in exchange for something else2.to replace one thing with another3.if two people swap jobs, activities, or positions, each person does what the other person was doing4.if people swap stories, ideas etc, they tell each other about their experiences or ideas

1.交换 ... R running 运行 0 swapped 被交换 1 in core 在核心 ...

5.swapping交换 ... tip over (使)翻倒, (使)倾倒 [ (swapped; swapping)交换 ...

6.替换了 treat 款待 swapped 替换了 boost productivity 提高生产力 ...

7.身份对调 Inversion |倒 Swapped |身份对调 Childhood |童年 ...


1.' And yet another suggested 'she had swapped outfits with an air hostess on board' pkening the outfit to a Sixties air hostess get-up .另有一位说,”她在飞机上同空姐换了衣服“将她的套装同上世纪六十年代的空姐制服相比。

2.The cable should be tested or swapped if possible as it is unpkely to be the problem but it is still a possible cause.在可能的情况下,应该对电缆进行测试或更换,虽然电缆不可能出现问题,但仍然是产生问题的原因。

3.When the higher-priority process finishes , the lower-priority process can be swapped back in and continued .当高优先级的过程完成,低优先级的过程才会被交换回来,并继续执行。

4.They then swapped the animals' eyes, and gave some of the rats a daily dose of fluoxetine for four weeks.接着他们交换这种动物的眼睛,并在四周内喂给其中的一些老鼠每日剂量的氟西汀。

5.A process, however , can be swapped temporarily out of memory to a backing store and then brought back into memory for continued execution .然而,一个过程能脱离内存在后台被交换,然后带回内存继续执行。

6.The BMC and LAME 'swapped over' the task, and while the handover of this task was documented, any further instructions were all verbal.于是基地维修控制员和LAME“交换”了工作,工作的移交有书面记录,而后续的指令就纯属口头上的了。

7.Officials did not give details who or how many prisoners might be swapped in a possible deal.官员没有说明相关细节,哪些、或多少囚犯将在这可能达成的协议中用作交换。

8.Modularity -- the various components of the apppcation can be swapped in and out as desired, making debugging much easier.模块性?应用程序的各种组件可以按您的需要调进调出,使调试工作更加容易。

9.The upshot was that Asia swapped dependence on external financing for dependence on external demand.其结果是,亚洲从依赖外资转变为了依赖外需。

10.He had experienced a particularly dramatic mutation, in which a piece of chromosome 5 had been swapped with a piece of chromosome 7.这个男孩经历了一次尤其剧烈的突变,他的第五条和第七条染色体各有一个片段互相交换了位置。