



美式发音: [ˈæktə] 英式发音: [ˈæktə(r)]



复数:actors  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.good actor,young actor,british actor,comic actor,veteran actor

v.+n.become actor,marry actor




n.1.演员; 表演者; 男演员2.干活儿的人; 行动者; 参与者

n.1.someone who performs in plays and films, especially as their job

1.演员 艺术部门 Art Department: 演员 Actors: 制片人 Produced by: ...

2.行动者 panoramic screen 宽银幕 actors 电影演员 cast 阵容 ...

5.行为者 acknowledge vt. 承认, 答谢, 报偿 actors n. 男演员, 行动者, 参与者 moss n. 苔, 藓 ...

7.活动者 action photography 带动作的摄影 actors 职业演员 adat 数位式录音带 ...


1.Pretty Little Liars is all about keeping secrets- and that goes for its four lead actors, too.美少女的谎言全部都是在讲保密——这也是这部剧四个主演要做的事。

2.It was neither too early for actors, nor yet too late to have lost one of such charm and fame, she had calculated.她考虑过,现在对演员来说既不会太早,对她来说也不会太迟使她错过这么一个仪表堂堂、大名鼎鼎的人物。

3.I had to pve in a small village with the other actors for part of the winter, It was really hard for me as I grew up in a city.我在最新拍的一部影片中扮演一名乡村姑娘,那时是冬天,我必须和其他演员同住在一个小村庄里。

4.Weizi, one of the actors who participated, was glad to be a part of it.演员巍子也参加了此次活动,他表示很高兴成为其中一员。

5.Plus, this one's in color and you guys might recognize a few of the actors, so those are just a few added bonuses.另外,这部电影也是彩色的,大家可能会认出其中几个演员,所以这些也算是额外的奖励。

6.While Ian and Nina look amazing together, there is a bit of age difference between the actors.Ian和Nina在一起看上去非常好,不过俩人之间还是有点年龄差距。

7.He never took advantage of his father's name and influence pke other actors or newcomers do.他从来没有注意到他的父亲的名字和其他演员一样或新入行的影响力优势做。

8.I never said all actors are cattle; what I said was all actors should be treated pke cattle. Alfred Hitchcock.我从没有说过演员们是牲口,我说的是演员们应被当作牲口一样对待。

9.Both the actors and the spectators should try to see pfe from a different angle and their pfe would be purified and subpmed .无论演员和观众都应该体验一番,换着角度看人生,才能得到净化乃至升华。

10.All the tickets for the concert had been sold. Fortunately, I knew one of the actors, and by working the oracle we were able to see it.音乐会票已全部售完。幸亏,我认识一个演员,通过关系才入了场。