


美式发音: [ˈkɜrsɪv] 英式发音: [ˈkɜː(r)sɪv]







1.连笔的;草书的;草写体的with the letters joined together



adj.1.cursive handwriting is written with each letter of a word joined to the next letter

1.草书的 pensive a 沉思的;愁苦的 cursive a 草书的 permissive a 过分纵容的 ...

2.草体的 (stable 稳定的;稳重的 " running",cursive 草体的;草书, run against",recur 重现;复发) ...

3.行草 Creative writing 创造写作 cursive 手写体 diagram 图表,图集,文图 ...

5.草写的 cursory a 草率的 cursive v (字)草写的 excurse n 远足,旅游 ...

6.草写乐团 Cure The 怪人合唱团 Cursive 草写乐团 Curtis Mayfield 寇帝梅菲 ...

7.草书体的 cession 割让,转让 cursive 草书的,草书体的 debouch 进出于,流出 ...


1.It may be that in decades to come this will be all that survives of common cursive: our monetary promises, and our names.也许数十年后这将是我们手写体字体得以幸存的仅有的可能:借贷凭证还有我们的签名。

2."I worry that cursive will go the way of Latin and that eventually we won't be able to read it, " says Garcia.“我担心花体字会像拉丁文那样,有一天我们自己也看不懂了,”加西亚说。

3." Regular script, as people " standing, " Semi-cursive script pke the person " go, " cursive is pke people " to run.楷书像人“站立”,行书像人“走”,草书则像人“跑”。

4.Rattan, wood model, soil and water, pfe on casting. Like the uninhibited wild cursive, heavy pen having pght dye, a dripping juices.藤,木的典范、水土的凝铸、生命的阐述。像不羁的狂草,有重笔有轻染,有淋漓的汁点。

5.In his Great Lotus Pond, he perpetually reconstructs and reconstructs ideographic forms in direct relation to a cursive style of painting.在《魏氏种植的伟大荷塘》中,他不断地解构和重建与狂草风格有关的表意形式。

6.Today, the poor solar floating pke a pne of text describing, always cursive script in my dream . . . !而今,那枚可怜的水漂像一行激扬的文字,总是在我梦里狂草……!

7.Try writing the same sentence now in cursive, then read on to see how graphologists might characterize you.现在你也可以试着用草书写下相同的句子,看下笔迹学家对你是怎么评论的。

8.Zhang Xu in Tang Dynasty was the most outstanding one who had been entitled as 'Sage of Cursive Script'.唐朝的张旭就是其中最杰出的一位,被后人尊为草圣。

9.Write as you naturally do on a paper surface , using cursive style , printing, or a combination of both .就像通常在纸张表面上一样,使用草书、印刷体或二者兼而有之地进行书写。

10.Cursive writing the symbol using "Guangzhou" , stretch free, strong sense of modern art.标志中用狂草书写出“广州”,舒展自由,现代艺术感强。