


美式发音: [æd] 英式发音: [.eɪ 'diː]

n.【网】打成平局后得分 = advantage. ad in (打成平局后)发球人得分

abbr.〈外(=Anno Domini)公元


网络释义:阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease);活动目录(Active Directory);广告(advertisement)

复数:ads  搭配同义词

v.+n.put ad,take ad,make ad,place ad,see ad

adj.+n.recent ad,print ad,corporate ad,japanese ad,personal ad

prep.to,up to


ad— see alsoadvertisement

n.1.〈美俚〉广告2.【网】打成平局后得分 = advantage. ad in (打成平局后)发球人得分


abbr.1.〈外〉(=Anno Domini)公元2.(=Active duty)现役3.(=assembly district)(美国某些州的)选区

n.1.an advertisement

abbr.1.<foreign>(=Anno Domini)2.(=Active duty)3.(=assembly district)

1.阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease) 活动 Events 广告 AD 联系我们 Contact us ...

4.公元(Anno Domini) actual 实际的,现实的 AD 公元 ad 广告 ...

5.特应性皮炎(atopic dermatitis)  患特应性皮炎AD)的婴幼儿常在随后数年中出现过敏性鼻炎、哮喘等变态反应性疾病。特应性体质或AD患儿随年龄增长,过 …


1.The data from all (h)ad converters is all transmitted using a USB tool connection to a laptop which records data directly to its hard drive.所有来自模仿数字转换器的数据都通过衔接在笔记本电脑上的USB工具来转换,电脑则直接将数据记载到硬盘驱动器。

2.When you are tempted, the Holy Spirit will remind you that you Ire a child of God and that it would be wrong for you to ad in this ~ay.当你受试探的时候,圣灵会提醒你,叫你记著自己是神的儿女;既是神的儿女,就不该作出有违这身分的事。

3.When a particular language is entered into a box on the ad signup form, the approximate reach of the selection will appear at the bottom.在广告注册表格中,选择某个特定语言后,在表格底部马上显示接收人数。

4.In 1199 AD, King Richard I and known as Richard the Lionhearted , paused to admire an arrow had been fired directly at him at Chalus.公元1199年,理查王一世,也就是众所周知的狮心王理查,在查洛斯,一支箭直接射向他,顿时,他停下来赞赏射术精湛。

5.How much does it cost to take out an ad in a newspaper?在报纸上刊登广告需要多少钱?

6.While admitting that the ad has helped drive traffic to his Taobao store, Mr. Liu denied that he's trying to create media hype.刘世杰承认该广告提升了其淘宝店的流量,但他否认这是试图进行媒体炒作。

7.Vince has called a meeting for Wednesday to discuss whether to pull the ads and remake the ad campaign entirely or to stick with it.文斯已下令星期三召开会议,讨论是撤回广告、重新策划广告还是坚持下去。

8.Then, you wake up one morning, and all that's left of your site is a full-page banner ad for a site you'd rather not be associated with.然而某一天早上醒来之后,您突然发现站点上全是某个与您毫无相关的站点的全页横幅广告。

9.Not a good day. I hate to tell you that Mr. Green wants to see the designs for the product ad tomorrow morning.真不是好日子。我真不想告诉你,格林先生给您添上午还要看产品广告设计呢。

10.For instance, the definition of a brand may be very radical for an ad agency as compared to a corporate house.例如,某一品牌的定义相对于本地公司而言,广告公司可能会更积极。