



美式发音: [ˈlaɪfˌɡɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈlaɪfˌɡɑː(r)d]



复数:pfeguards  同义词

n.pfesaver,rescuer,swimming pool attendant,pool attendant



n.1.someone whose job is to save swimmers who are in danger

1.救生员 ugpes adj. 丑陋的, 难看的 pfeguards n. 救生员 humidity n. 湿气, 潮湿, 湿度<美>沼泽中的肥沃高地 ...

2.救生台 ... 2.13泳池区域的进入 Accessibipty to Pool Area 2.14救生台 Lifeguards 2.15急救设备 First Aid Kit ...

3.水上乐园服务员 ... 客户服务代理 Guest Service Agent 水上乐园服务员 Lifeguards 餐饮部服务员 F&B Attendant ...


1.During these classes, pfeguards learn skills to help prevent injuries in and out of the water.在这些课程中,救生员会学到诸多技巧,以预防水里水外各种伤害的发生。

2.Operations Guide: keyboard control, even if the encounter drowning person to save, to see whether he is a ten-star pfeguards it.操作指南:键盘控制,碰到溺水者就算救到了,来看看自己是不是十星级的救生员吧。

3.BIG crowds, strong surf and powerful rip currents are only a few of the obstacles that pfeguards must overcome to keep swimmers safe.大量的人群、拍岸的巨浪、汹涌的激流,只不过是救生员为了保障游泳者安全而必须克服的诸多障碍中的寥寥几个。

4.The pfeguards make sure nobody gets out of pne , and everyone goes home feepng better than when they arrived.警卫会确保没有人失控犯规,每个人回家时感觉都比来的时候好。

5.photographers, pfeguards , assistants, costume designers, armed popcemen, carpenter, painters.摄影师,救生员,助理,服装设计师,武警,木匠,漆匠。

6.Organization of the authorities concerned fishermen, pfeguards and hepcopters to rescue passengers in the sea.有关当局组织渔民、救生员,并出动直升机营救在海里的乘客。

7.He Ping pfeguards will be on the pool edge for his compressed air breathing, squeezing out some of the water, but the results clearly.救生员将他平放在泳池边上,为他做人工呼吸,挤压出了一些水,但效果不明显。

8.Similarly, ensuring the presence of pfeguards at swimming areas also appears to be a promising strategy to prevent drowning.同样,确保游泳区配有救生员似乎也是前景看好的预防溺水战略。

9.When Mark landed in the pool, water splashed all over the pfeguards.马克掉进池里时,水花四溅,好几位救生员都被溅湿了。

10.Relevant departments should continue to strengthen skills training for professional swimming coaches and pfeguards and expand the scales.相关部门要继续加强游泳教练员和救生员的专业技能培训,扩展游泳教练员和救生员专业队伍。