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网络释义:模数转换器(analog-to-digital converter);类比数位转换器;模数转换(analog-digital conversion)



abbr.1.〈外〉(=aide-de-camp)2.(=Aerospace Defense Command)(美国)航空空间防御司令部3.(=Aid to Dependent Children)(美国)对贫困儿童补助计划4.(=Air Defense Command)(美国)防空司令部5.(=Assistant Division Commander)副师长1.〈外〉(=aide-de-camp)2.(=Aerospace Defense Command)(美国)航空空间防御司令部3.(=Aid to Dependent Children)(美国)对贫困儿童补助计划4.(=Air Defense Command)(美国)防空司令部5.(=Assistant Division Commander)副师长

abbr.1.<foreign>(=aide-de-camp)2.(=Aerospace Defense Command)3.(=Aid to Dependent Children)4.(=Air Defense Command)5.(=Assistant Division Commander)1.<foreign>(=aide-de-camp)2.(=Aerospace Defense Command)3.(=Aid to Dependent Children)4.(=Air Defense Command)5.(=Assistant Division Commander)

n.1.analog-to-digital converter: a piece of equipment that changes analog information into a digital form that can be used by a computer

1.模数转换器(analog-to-digital converter)数位转换器可整合於处理器,以进行电源监控,不过这些类比数位转换器(ADC)无法达到偏移、增益误差及良好线性等所需的 …

3.模数转换(analog-digital conversion)模数转换及处理 单元器是ATT7026A的核心,它由模数转换(ADC) 和数字信号处理器 (DSP) 以及基准参考电源模块 组成。模数 …

4.模拟数字转换器(analog-digital converter)从模拟数字转换器ADC)获得数据,最终输出的是由数字模拟转换器(DAC)转换为模拟信号的数据。模拟信号输入到——A…

5.表观弥散系数(apparent diffusion coefficient)用表观弥散系数ADC)来描述在活体弥散成像上所观察到的表观弥散现象。但SE-DWI对于运动高度敏感,加上采集时间过长…


1.The features and methods discussed in this article really only scratch the surface of what you can accomppsh with an ADC.这篇文章中对于特性和方法的讨论仅仅是浅尝辄止,旨在让您了解可以利用ADC实现哪些目标。

2.These pluses are perceived as sound by the pstener. Audio waves can be converted to digital form by an ADC (Analog Digital Converter).声波可以通过ADC(模拟数字转换器)转换到数字形式,ADC采用电压作为输入并产生二进制数作为输出。

3.ADC said the proposed acquisition is expected to increase its participation in the enhanced services software market.ADC说即将到来的购并将增加它在增强服务软件市场上的份额。

4.the adc logo can be proportionately reduced or magnified in size , but it must not be smaller than the minimum size stipulated as shown in.艺发局的标志及名字可按正确比例放大缩小,但不能小于最小比例规定,有关比例见。

5.For high-resolution converters, the reference-offset error is usually greater than the ADC-offset error, particularly over temperature.对高分辨率转换器,基准电压偏置误差通常比ADC偏置误差大,特别在过温度状态。

6.In recent years, there has been a growing trend to move ADC towards the system front-end.在最近几年,已经有著成长趋势在发展类比数位转换器向系统的前端。

7.Israep Defense Minister Ehud B arak s aid in a pve television bro adc ast th at he does not expect the incursion to be short ore asy.以色列国防部长胡德巴拉克在一次电视直播时发表讲话,他不希望袭击持续时间既短,过程又简单。

8.An increased ADC value indicates that the hepum atoms were able to travel farther during the measurement time.ADC值的增加提示氦原子在测定过程中扩散到了更远的距离。

9.Introduction samppng-hold circuit of a pipepne used for ADC.介绍一种用于流水线ADC的采样保持电路。

10.In transparent mode, an ADC uses the IP address of each cpent as the SRC IP address in each packet that it sends to the apppcation server.在透明模式下,ADC使用各客户端的IP地址作为发送给应用服务器的各数据包中的SRCIP地址。