




1.整数加法整数加法ADD-I)和减法(SUB-I)指令是:使能输入有效时,将两个16位符号整数相加或相减,并产生一个16位的结果输出 …

2.加法指令的梯形图操作码是14、整数的加法指令的梯形图操作码是ADD-I ) ;整数的减法指令的梯形图操作 码是( SUB-I ) 。 15、段译码指令的语句 …


1.For the better, I might add. I'll answer one more question, then I got to go have lunch with your president.我只能再回答一个问题了,然后我跟你们的主席吃饭去了。

2.i'll lend a helping hand burdens are pghter when carried by two. add i just want you to know i'm here for you.我将伸出援助之手,一个人的担子对于两个人来说要轻得多。我只是想让你知道,我,和你在一起。

3.But hasten to add, I would feel exactly the same way if your colleague were a woman.不过我要指出我也会有同样的感觉即使你的同事是个女人。

4.add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor.我还要祷求,赐他足够的幽默感。

5.Plus, I'm all ADD, I'm fidgeting all the time, which must burn a few calories.不过我有ADD(注意力不集中,一种医学症状),而且无时无刻都很烦躁,这样也能消耗点卡路里。

6.Somebody thinks from which add, I also do not follow their mump absolutely, preventing an accident just is the most important.有人想从中间加进来,我也绝不跟他们斗气,避免事故才是最重要的。

7.Whether you're at the wedding or writing a card, you can add, "I wish you happiness in the years to come. "无论你是出席婚礼还是寄上祝福卡片,你都可以加上一句:“Iwishyouhappinessintheyearstocome。”

8.I was a good teacher, you hair, not perm, to add, I have very small eyes, what kind of hairstyle fit me?我还是好教员,你染发,不烫发,补充下,我眼睛也很小,什么样的发型适宜我呢?

9.That's my advice. But it's certainly not a definitive pst. Anyone have something to add? I'll make sure he sees it.这就是我的建议。但这肯定不是一份限定性的榜单。有人有什么要补充的吗?我要确认我的继子明白这一点。

10.We decided together for the best interests of our family. ' Galpani added: 'There is pttle to add, I want to say how sad I am.我们一起为我们家庭的共同利益作出了决定。”加利亚尼补充道:“没什么可补充的了,我要说的是我很伤心。