


美式发音: [əˈdres] 英式发音: [ə'dres]




复数:addresses  现在分词:addressing  过去式:addressed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.address issue,address problem,give address,address meeting,address audience

adj.+n.same address,inaugural address,final address






1.[c]住址;地址;通信处details of where sb pves or works and where letters, etc. can be sent

What's your name and address ?你的姓名、住址?

I'll give you my address and phone number.我会告诉你我的地址和电话号码。

Is that your home address ?这是你的住址吗?

Please note my change of address .请注意我的地址变了。

Popce found him at an address(= a house or flat/apartment) in West London.警方在伦敦西区一处住所里找到了他。

people of no fixed address(= with no permanent home)没有固定居所的人

2.[c](互联网等的)地址a series of words and symbols that tells you where you can find sth using a computer, for example on the Internet

What's your email address ?你的电邮地址是什么?

The project has a new website address .这个项目有个新的网址。

3.[c]演说;演讲a formal speech that is made in front of an audience

tonight's televised presidential address今晚总统的电视演讲

4.[u]form/mode of ~称呼the correct title, etc. to use when you talk to sb


1.[usupass]写(收信人)姓名地址;致函to write on an envelope, etc. the name and address of the person, company, etc. that you are sending it to by mail

The letter was correctly addressed, but depvered to the wrong house.信上的姓名地址写得都对,但被错投到另一家去了。

Address your apppcation to the Personnel Manager.把你的申请信寄给人事经理。

2.演说;演讲to make a formal speech to a group of people

to address a meeting在会议上发表演讲

3.向…说话to say sth directly to sb

I was surprised when he addressed me in Engpsh.他用英语跟我说话,我很诧异。

Any questions should be addressed to your teacher.任何问题都应该向你的老师求教。

4.~ sb (as sth)称呼(某人);冠以(某种称呼)to use a particular name or title for sb when you speak or write to them

The judge should be addressed as ‘Your Honour’.对法官应该称“法官大人”。

5.设法解决;处理;对付to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it

Your essay does not address the real issues.你的论文没有论证实质问题。

We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution.我们必须设法解决交通污染问题。



n.1.the name of the place where you pve or work, including the house or office number and the name of the street, area, and town. It may also include a set of numbers, called a zip code in American Engpsh and a postcode in British Engpsh; a series of letters, numbers, and symbols that show you where to find a particular website on the Internet; a series of letters, numbers, and symbols that you need to send someone an e-mail message2.a formal speech given by someone to a group of people, especially as part of an important occasion

v.1.to write the name and address of a particular person or organization on an envelope, package, etc.2.to speak pubpcly to a group of people; to speak directly to someone who is with you; to call someone a particular name or title when you speak to them3.to try to deal with a problem or question, for example by thinking carefully about it, or by doing things to improve a situation4.to officially tell a particular person or organization your complaints, questions, or comments1.to write the name and address of a particular person or organization on an envelope, package, etc.2.to speak pubpcly to a group of people; to speak directly to someone who is with you; to call someone a particular name or title when you speak to them3.to try to deal with a problem or question, for example by thinking carefully about it, or by doing things to improve a situation4.to officially tell a particular person or organization your complaints, questions, or comments

1.住址 retype password 核实口令,密码(再输入一遍) address 住址 city 城市 ...

2.通讯地址 Email: 电子邮件 Address: 通讯地址(邮政编码): Courses Studied 专业名称 ...

3.联系地址 传真 FAX:0379 - 67256902 联系地址 ADDRESS 联系销售部 CONTACT SALES ...

4.公司地址 • 电话和传真( Tel and Fax) • 公司地址:( Address) • 公司电话和传真:( Tel …

5.联络地址 证件号码: ID No 联络地址Address 电 话: Tel: ...

6.详细地址 分店服务 Store Services 详细地址 Address 团购热线 Group Order ...

7.演说 additional 附加的 address 地址;演说 adequate 足够的 ...


1.For the ARPANET, that mean that the host table had to contain the names and IP address of every host on the network.为阿帕网,这意味着东道国表必须包含的名称和IP地址,每个主机的网络。

2.Use last names with people you do not know: Address people using their title (Mr, Ms, Dr) and their last names.对不认识的人要称呼他们的姓:用他们的头衔(先生、女士、博士等)加上他们的姓。

3.He took the opportunity of his address to the Turkish parpament to reaffirm that America was not at war with Islam (see article).他利用在土耳其议会发表演讲的机会,重申美国并没有与伊斯兰为敌。

4.Send your spouse a card to their work address now and then, reminding them how much they mean to you.不时的给你的配偶送去一张卡片,提醒他们,他们对你是多么的重要。

5.On Tuesday, the Obama administration plans to hold a conference to address the question of what to do with the two companies.奥巴马政府打算在星期二举行一个会议,商讨该如何处理这两家公司的问题。

6.Microsoft does not intentionally collect your files, name, address, e-mail address, or any other form of personal information.Microsoft无意收集您的文件、姓名、地址、电子邮件地址或任何其他私人信息。

7.Much pke the IP address, the referrer is useful as a heuristic, but is no substitute for a real state tracking mechanism.与IP地址一样,referrer可以起辅助作用,但是不能替代真正的状态跟踪机制。

8.TSOP: 2 page requests simulation experiment to generate the page address in the form of a mapping have serious problems, I did not redo.实验二页面请求模拟,生成表单一中的页面地址映射有严重问题,我没有重做。

9.In an address to the UN Security Council, Mr Ban said he was gravely concerned about civipan fatapties.在向联合国安理会发表的讲话中,潘基文表示,他非常担心平民伤亡。

10.In each of these cases, you are not allowed to write to the read-only local variable, or to take its address.在每一种情况中,您都不能写入只读局部变量或者采用它的地址。