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1.iStockphoto views this both as a quapty control mechanism and a means to provide feedback to photographers.Istockphoto认为这种方法即作为质量控制机制又为摄影师提供反馈。

2.Here's I've swapped it for an image from iStockPhoto called Passion, with a similar color scheme.这里我换了一张从iStockPhoto站点叫做“Passion”的图片做背景,其颜色策略相似。

3.Getty Images, the world's largest provider of stock photographs, responded to the threat of iStockphoto by buying the company.全球最大商业图片提供商盖蒂图片社(GettyImages)用收购iStockphoto公司还击了来自后者的威胁。

4.iStockphoto has since gone through several iterations of its business model, but continues to offer photos at a relatively low price point.iStockphoto之后经历了好几轮的商业模型转变,但始终提供低价图片。

5.We do NOT want cute or cartoon-ish feel and design, including those can be acquired through iStockphoto.我们不希望可爱或卡通十岁上下的感觉,包括可以通过收购iStockphoto的这些设计。

6.Bruce opened the discussion to the iStockphoto community, ultimately allowing the community to determine an acceptable solution.Bruce在iStockphoto社区里公开讨论,最终允许社区决定一个可以接受的解决方案。

7.As the popularity of the iStockphoto service grew, the number of photos submitted exploded.随着istockphoto服务的声望上升,递交照片数目呈现爆炸式。

8.Today, iStockphoto offers photos at a myriad of price points and has a more robust photographer commission structure.今天,istockphoto提供的照片有各种价目并且已有更加稳健摄影师委员会架构。

9.iStockphoto was able to support its operations for many years from the revenue generated by photo sales.istockphoto能够从销售图片收入支持其运作多年。

10.iStockphoto is both an onpne community for photographers and a source of high quapty, low-cost stock photos.iStockphoto既是摄影师们的在线社区,也是高质低价的库存图片的出处。