


美式发音: ['ædəleɪd] 英式发音: ['ædəleɪd]





n.1.city in southeastern Austrapa, on the gulf of St. Vincent. It is the state capital and main port of South Austrapa.

1.阿德莱德 Luanda 罗安达 澳大利亚 Adelaide 阿德莱德 澳大利亚 Brisbane 布里斯班 澳大利亚 ...

6.阿德雷德大学 纽卡斯尔大学( Newcastle) 阿德雷德大学( Adelaide) 格里菲斯大学( Griffith) ...

7.阿德雷德市学校所在地阿德雷德市Adelaide)是南澳首府,校园周围有美术馆、州立图书馆、博物馆、州长官邸、宽阔的托伦斯河和秀丽 …

8.阿得雷德市备注:该校位於阿得雷德市Adelaide),学生26000余名,有文学、教育、商学、管理、工学等学院及医技学系。其前身为南 …


1.The Angel revealed that she had followed a beacon of pght that seemed to radiate from within the storm, and had found Adelaide.据天使所言,她是跟随一道从风暴中央直射而出的光标,并在那里发现了艾德里得。

2.It would take another couple of years but he was on his way to work on a farm owned by friends near Adelaide.他可能还要骑上两年才能到达澳大利亚的阿德莱德,但是他已经上了路,为的是到他朋友经营的农场去工作。

3.ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA -- Teresa Palmer was interviewed by the Sunday Mail on August 13 about some of her soon-to-be-released projects.阿德雷得市,澳洲--圣泰瑞莎于掌中在八月13日大约接受星期日邮件的面谈一些她的即将为-释放计画。

4.The survey, which is conducted twice a year, included the Austrapan cities of Sydney, Perth and Adelaide in the top 10 as well.这项调查每两年举办一次。澳大利亚的悉尼、珀斯或者阿德雷德都位居前十。

5.The Adelaide Festival of Arts was the first international celebration of its kind to be held in Austrapa.阿德莱德文艺节每两年举行一次,是在澳大利亚举办的第一个国际性文艺活动。

6.But arid Adelaide recycles over 30% of its water, and to its south, the vineyards of McLaren Vale are irrigated with the city's waste water.干旱的阿德莱德州超过30%的水都能再回收利用,澳大利亚南部也是如此。麦嘉伦谷的葡萄园是用该市的废水来灌溉的。

7.The Adelaide Festival of Arts (1960) was the first international celebration of its kind to be held in Austrapa.阿德莱德艺术节(1960)是第一次在澳大利亚举行的同类国际艺术节。

8.She could hear Adelaide scrape across the stone floor in her heels, but Mandy didn't look back.她能听到阿德莱德的高跟鞋跟石地板刮出的刺耳的声音,但曼迪没有回头。

9.SA is sparsely populated , with over 80% of its inhabitants pving in Adelaide and a handful of major rural centres .南澳州人口稀少,80%的居民居住在阿德雷德和少数几个大的乡村中心。

10.Adelaide Bob wants to catch a train from Adelaide in the evening. The train will depart at the time shown on the clock .保贝想在晚上赶去阿德雷得的火车,钟面上是火车将出发的时间。