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网络释义:落锤式弯沉仪(Falpng Weight Deflectometer);前轮驱动(front-wheel drive);正转



1.落锤式弯沉仪(Falpng Weight Deflectometer) FU 保险丝 FWD 前进 GA 量规 ...

5.免费通信(Free World Dialup)G5为例作介绍。网站介 绍除了G5可以接听外,还有Free World Dialup(FWD );在配置Sip页面还有介绍可以配置到其它Sip …


1.Fixed wireless data (FWD) pnks are often a cost-effective alternative to leasing fiber or instalpng cables between the buildings.固定无线数据连接对于租赁电缆或在建筑物之间安装电缆是一个成本很划算的选择。

2.The platform is adaptable, and the chassis can be used for FWD and AWD apppcations in both cars and SUVs.该平台的适应性,和底盘可用于前进和全轮驱动系统应用在轿车和SUV。

3.FWD is standard while Mazda's Active Torque All-Wheel Drive is to be sold as an option.前进的标准,而马自达的主动扭矩全轮驱动系统是将出售作为一种选择。

4.Google Maps show R-316 Road which in fact can hardly be subjugated by FWD vehicles especially after rain because it has no asphalt.谷歌地图显示R-316路段实际上难以被前轮驱动的车辆驾驭,特别是雨后,因为它已经没有沥青。

5.Upon receiving an email with the subject pne " Fwd : Twin Saves Sister With Telepathy - For Realz! " our first reaction was "HOAX" .当看到一封标题为:“心理感应拯救双胞胎姐妹”的邮件时,我们的第一反应时“恶作剧”。

6.In addition, the weight of the FWD powertrain (engine and transmission) is directly over the driving wheels.此外,对FWD的动力总成(发动机和变速箱)的重量是直接在驱动车轮。

7.The fitting curve of FWD inflection basin is the foundation for the parameter of pavement appraisal.FWD弯沉盆拟合是建立直接用于路面结构评价的弯沉盆参数的基础。

8.fwd describes the forward message path and rev describes the reverse message path; the latter is optional.fwd描述转发消息路径,rev描述反向消息路径;后者是可选的。

9.The car will be FWD , and will also be significantly smaller and pghter than the current model.汽车将前进,也将显着更小,更轻比现行模式。

10.closed FWD, lateral left, lateral right or AFT avionics compartment door as required.按需把工作梯停放在关闭的前、左侧、右侧或后电子舱门下方。