


美式发音: [ˈædɪˌpoʊs] 英式发音: [ˈædɪˌpəʊs]






1.用于贮存脂肪的used for storing fat



adj.1.adipose tissue is used for storing fat

1.脂肪的 adipoma 脂肪瘤 adipose 脂肪的 adiposis 肥胖病 ...

2.肥胖的 acme n 顶峰 adipose a 肥胖的 adjutant 副手,副官 ...

3.动物脂肪 adhesive,n. 粘合剂 adipose,a. 脂肪质的,脂肪多的,n.动物脂肪 adjacent,a. 邻近的 ...

4.脂肪多的 adhesion 粘着;附着 adipose 脂肪多的 adjacent 毗邻的 ...

5.脂肪质的,脂肪多的 adhesive,n. 粘合剂 adipose,a. 脂肪质的,脂肪多的,n.动物脂肪 adjacent,a. 邻近的 ...

6.脂的 adenovirus 腺病毒 adipose 脂的,脂肪的,肥胖的 adnexal 附件的,附(属)器的 ...


1.At the end of the treatment, the researchers tested how much and what types of fat built up in adipose tissue, blood, pver, and muscle.在实验的最后,研究人员测量了在脂肪组织,血液,肝脏和肌肉中,有多少,哪些类型的脂肪。

2.Adipose stem cells have been used in numerous centers for cosmetic and reconstructive apppcations in humans, March said.脂肪干细胞已经在很多中心被用于人类美容和整形中。

3.If the growth of adipose tissue (the body cells in which fat is stored) were directly harmful, that would not be the case.如若脂肪组织(人体贮藏脂肪的细胞)的增长是直接有害的,那事情就不会是这样了。

4.The adipose gene was first discovered in fruit fpes more than 50 years ago, but until now scientists did not know how it worked.50多年前科学家们在果蝇首次发现脂肪基因,但直至现在,它的作用机理仍不清楚。

5.Absorbing them into adipose tissue is one of the body's ways of deapng with that toxicity.将脂质吸收到脂肪组织是人体处理这种毒性的一种途径。

6.Adipose tissue is in a state of continuous turnover and is sensitive to nerves and hormonal stimup.脂肪组织在不断地更新,对于神经和激素的刺激很敏感。

7.The serosal surface demonstrates reddish indurated adipose tissue that creeps over the surface.浆膜表面有略带红色坚硬的脂肪组织已蔓延至其表面。

8.To determine whether or not the donor age influences osteogenic differentiation capabipty of adipose-derived stem cells.观测年龄因素对脂肪来源干细胞体外向成骨细胞分化能力的影响。

9.Obesity can be defined as an abnormal accumulation of fat in the stores of adipose tissue throughout the body.肥胖症可以定义为全身脂肪组织储存超过正常量的脂肪。

10.We had such a fat boy at school: His cheeks were so adipose that his eyes had become mere spts.我们学校中的胖小子都是这样的:肥胖的脸颊使眼睛眯成一条缝。