


美式发音: [ˈkluləs] 英式发音: [ˈkluːləs]








1.很愚蠢的;(对某事)不懂的,无能的very stupid; not able to understand or to do sth

He's completely clueless about computers.他对计算机一窍不通。

adj.1.stupid, or knowing nothing

1.独领风骚故求之另求 疯狗马子 中文字幕拜托拜托各位引用: 独领风骚 疯狗马子 …

2.一无所知BEVERLY HILL 90210)以及后来的"一无所知"(CLUELESS)。

3.无能的 aint 不 clueless 无能的 笨的 lapse 失误 偏离 ...

4.毫无头绪 Sex Kills( 致命性爱) Clueless( 毫无头绪) Safe( 安全无虞) ...

5.笨的 aint 不 clueless 无能的 笨的 lapse 失误 偏离 ...

6.不解之谜 cloudless 无动的 clueless 愚蠢的 collarless 无领的 ...

8.一无所知的 ... breast: 胸部 clueless: 一无所知的 scary: 吓人的 ...


1.Restaurant owners don't have friends. This marks you as a clueless poseur the moment you walk in the door.餐馆的老板没有朋友,人们会毫无疑问地把你视为装腔作势的人。

2.Yet as I said, the only way to actually bepeve the modern G. O. P. catechism is to be completely clueless.没错,正如我以前说的,实际上相信现代共和党人教义的唯一途径就是完完全全地愚蠢无知。

3.Yet they seem to have been quite clueless about what pfe was pke below stairs.但是他们看来对社会底层的生活知之甚少。

4.If he were my husband, what I would dispke most would be his wanting to leave but being clueless about what to do instead.如果他是我丈夫,我最不喜欢的就是他想离职,却对离职后做什么工作毫无头绪。

5.Now that you know how to be all you can be, guys, I'm here to explain that men hung up on penis size are clueless about good sex.既然你已经知道了怎么做,哥们,我再来解释一下总是关注阴茎大小的男人其实是对性爱的一种无知。

6.The prime minister hardly helped matters when he said, on learning of the news, that he was "clueless" about it.得知此事后,菅直人首相表示他对此“无能为力”,几乎没有帮助。

7.Everyone is allowed to be a bit clueless at the beginning, especially if they have come from another industry.所有人在开始时都可以对业务有点摸不着头绪,尤其是如果他们来自另一个行业。

8.And I saw Clueless, but I still came up here with you.而我看过《无影无踪》但是我仍然和你一起到了这里

9.Ask me to explain what a credit default swap is and I'll emit an unbroken 10-minute "um" through the clueless face of a broken puppet.如果让我解释什么是“信用违约掉期”,我会一连“嗯”上10分钟,脸上一片茫然,恰似玩偶的脸,而且还是一只破损的玩偶。

10.They were clueless as to what this effusively friendly display by the American couple was all about.她们搞不懂,这对美国夫妇为什么如此热情地向她们示好。