


美式发音: [ˈædʒʌŋkt] 英式发音: ['ædʒʌŋkt]


adj.附属的 (to; of)


复数:adjuncts  搭配同义词

adj.+n.adjunct professor




1.附加语;修饰成分an adverb or a phrase that adds meaning to the verb in a sentence or part of a sentence

In ‘She went home yesterday’ and ‘He ran away in a panic’, ‘yesterday’ and ‘in a panic’ are adjuncts.在 She went home yesterday 和 He ran away in a panic 两句中,yesterday 和 in a panic 是修饰成分。

2.附属物;附件a thing that is added or attached to sth larger or more important

The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.内存扩展卡是计算机很有用的附件。


adj.1.附属的 (to; of)

n.1.something that is added to something else but is not essential to it2.a word or phrase that adds information to a sentence. InI put the box on the table,” “on the tableis an adjunct.

adj.1.not completely or permanently a part of the staff where you work

1.附件 adjourn ? vi. 延期,休会 adjunct n. 附属物,附件 ad-pb ? adj. 即兴的 ...

2.附属物 adjourn ? vi. 延期,休会 adjunct n. 附属物,附件 ad-pb ? adj. 即兴的 ...

3.附属的 conjunction 连接词 / adjunct 附属的 unilateral 单方面的 / ...

4.附加语 adjective 形容词 adjunct 修饰成分;附加语 adverb 副词 ...

5.助手 juncture n 接合,连接 adjunct n 附属物;助手 conjunction n 结合;连接词 ...

6.附加物 adjourn v. 使延期,推迟;休会 adjunct n. 附加物,附件 adjust v. 整顿,整理…

7.修饰语 adjourn 延期,休会,换地方 adjunct 附属物,附件,修饰语 admonish 训诫,警告 ...


1.If you're going to be sharing a meal or some other human interchange in a relaxed way, alcohol can be a rewarding adjunct to the experience.如果你想轻松自在地与人共进晚餐或进行其他某种人际交往,酒可以为您助兴。

2.analysis is to be performed because data exist and a user wants some analysis as an adjunct to other GIS activities.分析将执行,因为数据存在,并且用户想要一些分析作为附属到其他GIS活动。

3.This book strongly advocates that digital cannot be a separate function or an adjunct to communications planning.本书观点中大力认为,数字传播并不是传播规划中独立的某个部分或附件。

4.Not just a brag, not just a stepping stone to a higher title, not just an adjunct to competition.一个较高的称号不仅仅是自夸,也不仅仅是一块垫脚石,更不是参与竞争的附属物。

5.What justifies pure mathematics, with its ontology of abstract objects, is the indispensable part it plays as an adjunct of natural science.纯数学,以及包含于其中的抽象对象的本体论,其正当性或证据在于,它们构成了自然科学的不可或缺的一个附件。

6.Alternative medicine appears to be an adjunct, sought in times of disenchantment when conventional medicine seems not to offer the answer.另类医学似乎具有辅助性,在传统医学似乎不能做出答案的时候发现的一门医学。

7.He says it might also be used as an adjunct in pe-detector tests and in security systems that attempt to identify people by their faces.他还说,它也可以用做测谎仪测试和设想通过脸来识别人的安全系统的附件。

8.For these types of injuries, topical oxygen may be helpful as an adjunct to surgery or other forms of standard wound care.对于这些类型的伤害,局部氧可以作为外科手术或其它形式标准伤口治疗的辅助措施。

9.However, the method level trace can be very useful as an adjunct to WebSphere tracing.不过,方法级别的跟踪对于WebSphere跟踪而言是很有用的辅助手段。

10.The long term survivals may be increased by early detection of PEAC, early surgical intervention and adjunct multi modapty treatment.提高食管腺癌的早期发现率和以外科手术为主的综合治疗是改善术后远期疗效的关键。