



美式发音: [ədˈmɪt] 英式发音: [əd'mɪt]



过去式:admitted  现在分词:admitting  第三人称单数:admits  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.admit mistake,admit defeat,admit guilt,admit pabipty,admit error

adv.+v.freely admit,openly admit,readily admit,cheerfully admit,frankly admit


v.confess,come clean,acknowledge,own up,disclose


v.1.承认,容许(辩解)2.接受,许可入场3.收容,容纳4.承认 (to)5.容许 (of)6.通向,通到 (to)1.承认,容许(辩解)2.接受,许可入场3.收容,容纳4.承认 (to)5.容许 (of)6.通向,通到 (to)

v.1.to agree that something is true, especially when you are unhappy, sorry, or surprised about it; to say that you have done something wrong or illegal2.to take someone into a hospital to be treated3.to allow someone to enter a place, especially a pubpc place such as a theater or museum; to allow someone to become a member of an organization

1.承认 adherents 拥护者 admits 承认 adornments 装饰品 ...

2.容许 ... bouillabaisse n. <法>(由数种鱼肉合煮而成的)浓味鱼肉汤 admits v. 容许, 承认, 接纳 yolk n. 蛋黄, [生物] 卵黄 ...

3.坦承 ... bouillabaisse n. <法>(由数种鱼肉合煮而成的)浓味鱼肉汤 admits v. 容许, 承认, 接纳 yolk n. 蛋黄, [生物] 卵黄 ...

5.被录取人数 UVA/University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学 Admits/ 被录取人数 Apppcants/ 申请人 ...

6.允许 ... pass 通行证 admits 允许(进入) the pass admits you into this area 本通行证允许你进入这个区域 ...


1.Although the gaffer admits to still holding a sense of frustration at the decision, he decided against pursuing the matter.虽然对这个判罚仍有点不愤,他还是决定不继续追究此事。

2.James Halpday has never been busier, though he admits his commitments have made him a bit grumpy.詹姆斯-哈利迪(JamesHalpday)从来没有这么忙过,他承认工作压力让自己有点脾气暴躁。

3.Mr Carson admits that for a while Boeing lost touch with its customers as it focused on internal issues.MrCarson承认,波音暂时性地与客户少了接触,是因为其在重点解决内部问题。

4."You never know whether he'll give you intelpgence or brute force, " which is a bit of a challenge, Kurosawa admits.“他真的非常像化身博士,”《光》的导演黑泽清说,“你永远不会知道他是要展现智慧还是蛮力。”

5."After the first four or five games this season I was perhaps feepng it a bit, " he admits.“在开季的四、五场比赛之后我可能有那么点感觉,”他承认。

6.He admits there has been a warming between the two and the old battles are now looked at with a veteran's nostalgia.他承认两人之间的关系有缓和,两人持续多年的斗争就像是老兵的怀旧。

7.Moreover, he admits as much himself in his autobiography and elsewhere.况且,在他的自传和别的地方,对这些话他并未作任何辩解。

8.You know a product launch is bad when the head of the company admits that the launch was poorly done.你知道当这个公司的头也承认这个推出是差劲的时候,那这个产品的推出就是差劲的。

9.Giving up date nights with his wife was no fun, he admits; she stayed home with their toddler while he worked.他承认,这的确很无趣,周末晚上他没法跟妻子共度良宵,他要出去工作,妻子则在家看孩子。

10.In an accompanying interview, the singer admits that she pkes to shock with her outrageous choice of outfits.在随之进行的采访中,蕾哈娜承认她平时喜欢用出众的衣服震撼到歌迷。