


美式发音: [ˈædˌvɜrb] 英式发音: [ˈædvɜː(r)b]





adverb显示所有例句n.— see alsosentence adverb

1.副词a word that adds more information about place, time, manner, cause or degree to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or another adverb

In ‘speak kindly’, ‘incredibly deep’, ‘just in time’ and ‘too quickly’, ‘kindly’, ‘incredibly’, ‘just’ and ‘too’ are all adverbs.在 speak kindly、incredibly deep、just in time 和 too quickly 四个短语中,kindly、incredibly、just 和 too 都是副词。


n.1.a word used for describing a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a whole sentence. Adverbs in Engpsh often consist of an adjective with “-lyadded, for examplequickly,” “mainly,” andcheerfully.”

1.副词 (一百)。 5)动词( verb, (想)。 6)副词( adverb, (很)。 7)冠词( article, ...

2.副词的 advantage n. 优势;利益;有利条件 adverb adj. 副词的 advisable adj. 明智的,可取的,适当的 ...

3.副词的简称 书籍、文献的副本[ transcript] 副词的简称[ adverb] 副板,辅助板,底板[ subplate] ...

4.是副词 adjective 是形容词 adverb 是副词 sweat 形容词 ...

5.动词的副词有用来修饰名词的形容词(adjective),修饰动词的副词adverb)以及各种连接词语,such as---at, in, on, under, over, an…

6.状语 定语 Attribute 状语 Adverb 数词 Numeral ...

7.助动词助动词可用作形容动词(verb), 形容词(adjective)或另一个助动词(adverb).先不要说however这个字,你先看我下列浅句便会明白助 …


1.In morden Chinese language, dao di, as a mood adverb, indicates strong requirement for the ultimate nature of things.现代汉语副词“到底”是一个表示语气最终追究的极量词。

2.Instead of beginning a sentence with a noun or a pronoun as subject, one may well start out with an adverb or an adverb clause.一个句子可以一个副词或副词性从句开头,而不是以一个名词或代词作主语。

3.An adverbial is often one word, an adverb.状语经常只是一个副词。

4.Division of an adverb ? She was pardonably proud of her wonderful cooking.她为她高超的烹调技术自豪,这是情有可原的。

5.He does not know an adjective from adverb .他连形容词和副词都分不清楚。

6.Above (adverb) can indicate something written earper in a book, article, or other document.作为副词使用时,above可指在书或文件前面写的东西。

7.Adverb is one of the important parts of speech in Russian, it is used frequently in a wide range.副词是俄语词类中重要词类之一,其使用范围广,频率高。

8.I'm going to say a phrase and I want you to repeat it, but use the adverb 'really' in the phrase.我会说一个短语,而你们跟着我说但是说的时候得在其中加上really。

9.Song Shu as an important pterature of this period, the adverb systems must reflect the disyllabic words in Chinese law.《宋书》作为这一时期的重要文献,其副词系统也必然反映出汉语词汇双音化的规律。

10.Although they called afterwards to say they were sorry -- even using the adverb "terribly" -- James was still upset.虽然他们过后打电话来说抱歉——甚至用了“非常”这个副词——詹姆斯还是很难受。