




1.大耳朵 long hair 长发 big ears 大耳朵 sit beside her tent 坐在她的帐篷旁边 语音:/ i / ...

2.兔子的大耳朵 热浪来袭 Heatwave 兔子的大耳朵 Big Ears 猫头鹰派对 Night Owl ...

3.大大的耳朵 1.专注的耳朵( Attentive ears) 2.宽大的耳朵( Big ears) 3.辨别的耳朵( Discerning ears) ...

5.大耳朵图片 图片 sunka 大耳朵图片 big ears 一个皮汽车间图片 A Peepng Garage ...

6.年夜耳朵 some fruit 一些水果 big ears 年夜耳朵 jump and run 又跳又跑 ...

7.大耳朵酷哥斗牛 情人坂道 love hotel hills 大耳朵酷哥斗牛 big ears 斑马大楼 the zebra bld ...


1.This in whispers of the wind burble no escape Zhang big ears, he immediately past : " intermediary promised to you how much money? "这小声的嘟囔却没逃过张大爷的顺风耳,他当即过去问:“中介答应给你多少钱?”

2.It could move its eyes in and out on stalks, it had big ears and its body was fat and round and furry.它有一双伸缩自如的柄眼、一对大耳朵,身体又胖又圆,还毛绒绒的。

3." have got big ears to hear you with, " said the wolf.“我耳朵大才好听你说话呀。”狼说。

4.Rasmussen spends up to 28 days at a time tracking and watching the brown, black , and tan- splotched dogs, which have big ears.拉斯穆森花了28天以上跟踪一群棕黑色而且看起来有斑点有大的耳朵的狗。

5.This man had a strong face, big ears, eyebrows pke swords, and eyes pke a tiger's.此人面容刚毅,大耳朵,剑眉虎眼。

6.In thoughtful comments, some of you aired the 'pttle pitchers have big ears' view, that parents should avoid fighting in front of the kids.在评论中,一些读者宣扬“人小耳朵灵”的观点,认为做父母的应该避免在孩子面前吵架。

7.It has small eyes and big ears! Oh, it's so funny!它有小眼睛和大耳朵。哦,它太有趣了!

8.Pudgy and with big ears, Ma was a talented mimic and particularly quick with puns.圆滚滚的,与大耳朵,马是一个有才华的模拟,尤其是与双关语快。

9.Baby: It has small eyes and big ears.它的眼睛小小的,耳朵大大的。

10.Fox beak big ears, long body short legs, dragging behind him a long-tailed, red-brown body, hard of hearing black, tipped white.狐狸尖嘴大耳,长身短腿,身后拖着一条长长的大尾巴,全身棕红色,耳背黑色,尾尖白色。