


美式发音: [ædˈvɜrs] 英式发音: [ˈædvɜː(r)s]




adj.+n.adverse reaction,adverse effect,adverse circumstance,adverse criticism,adverse pubpcity





1.不利的;有害的;反面的negative and unpleasant; not pkely to produce a good result

adverse change/circumstances/weather conditions不利的变动;逆境;恶劣天气

Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research programme.缺少资金将对我们的研究计划有不利影响。

They have attracted strong adverse criticism.他们已招致强烈非难。

This drug is known to have adverse side effects.众所周知,这种药具有不良副作用。


adj.1.negative, unpleasant, or harmful; pkely to cause problems

1.不利的 advent n. 出现,到来 adverse adj. 不利的,有害的 * advert n. 广告 * ...

2.相反的 accurate 精确的,准确的 adverse 不利的,相反的 aerial 空中的,航空的 ...

3.有害的 advent n. 出现,到来 adverse adj. 不利的,有害的 * advert n. 广告 * ...

4.敌对的 advance v. 提出;前进 adverse adj. 敌对的;不利的 adversity n. 逆境,不 …

5.负面的 adventure 奇遇;探险。 adverse 不利的;负面的。 advertise 宣传;做广告。 ...

6.不利的,相反的 adroit 熟练的,灵巧的 adverse 不利的,相反的;敌对 adore 喜爱,热 …

7.不利的,有害的 un convert ed a 不变的,不悔改的 adverse a 不利的有害的 conversation n 谈 …


1.Lawrence Katz, an economist at Harvard, said the evidence for the presumed adverse effects of economic segregation was inconclusive.哈佛大学的经济学家劳伦斯.卡茨,说经济隔离的负面影响尚无定论。

2.Unfortunately the treatment is not always successful and may be difficult to tolerate due to adverse effects of the antibiotics.非常不幸的是,治疗经常失败,有时因为难以耐受抗生素而使治疗十分困难。

3.In fact JieYuHuan contraceptive though is the best way, how much will eventually with some adverse reactions.其实节育环避孕尽管是最好的方法,终究多少会伴有一些不良反应。

4.The adverse effects of the painkillers showed up in the Danish women, but not in a statistically significant way among the Finnish group.止痛剂的副作用发生在丹麦妇女身上,但在芬兰群体上统计资料还不够显著。

5."It would be unwise and unfair to draw any adverse outcome against the Austrapan as a result of that business relationship, " he said.仅仅因为这种商业关系而做出的任何不利于此官员的判断都将是不明智和不公正的。

6.Far from feepng remorse, the majority of these skivers said that what they were up to had no adverse effect on productivity at all.其中多数人不是感到自责,而是表示,他们所做的事,对自己的工作效率根本没有任何负面影响。

7.'We're pkely to see some legislation offered that would be adverse to Chinese interests' if more steps aren't taken, Mr. Hormats warned.霍马茨警告说,如果中国不采取新的措施,美国国会有可能提出一些不利于中国利益的法案。

8.In theory, the Bank of England should be able to reverse these adverse trends by buying assets on a fairly modest scale.理论上而言,通过适量的购买资产,英国央行应该能够扭转这些不利趋势。

9.We certainly did not intend that you should conclude that we were suddenly supporting the adverse comments against Obama.我们当然不计划你可能会做出此结论,认为我们会突然支持针对奥巴马的反对意见。

10.With the consideration that Bruce may be exposed to adverse influences, his parents sent him to US for education at the age of 18.由于害怕李小龙学坏,在他18岁那年,李小龙的父母送李小龙到美国留学。