




1.为干扰因素 ... D.Once 一旦。因此选D makeafirstimpression.firt 为干扰因素。 A.As 当;因为... ...

2.飞拳术 makerope( 造绳术) firt( 飞拳术) bless( 祝福) ...

3.详细 fertd 详细 FIRT 详细 well differentiated mast cell tumours 分化好的肥大细胞瘤 ...


1.Firt, people spend a few days to clean their houses completely.首先,人们花几天时间来彻底的打扫他们的房子。

2.Sure! Firt, I had to plant the seed. Then I have to wait for it to grow, and then. . . . . . My goodness!当然!首先,我要种些种子。然后,我等它长大,接着……我的天啊!

3.Firt, she is going to go to her friend's house on foot .首先,她打算步行去她朋友家。

4.People shuold shake each other's hands at firt meeting.人们初次见面应该握手。

5.Firt of all, I am a Chinese just pke you see.首先,我是个中国人,正如你所见

6.Firt of all, i pke to wish all of my lovely classmates may finish the three years' junior study smoothly.首先我要祝每一位同学都能顺利的读完初中三年。

7.RTFI Rate of transformer failure with interruption FIRT变压器故障停电率

8.yeah wo~~ First one firt time and i can show lefts第一个也是第一次我可以让其他人知道

9.at firt, why people in the room dont ask mr smith to sit down首先,房间里的人们为什么不叫史密斯先生坐下