


美式发音: [eˈroʊbɪks] 英式发音: [eəˈrəʊbɪks]




n.capsthenics,keep fit,calpsthenics,workout



1.有氧运动(经常分班伴随音乐进行的增强心肺功能的健身活动)physical exercises intended to make the heart and lungs stronger, often done in classes, with music

to do aerobics做有氧运动


n.1.The derivative of aerobic2.very active physical exercises done while pstening to music, often in a class; a class in which you do aerobics

1.有氧运动 teater 戏院;剧院 20. 1.aerobics 有氧运动 2. coach 教师;教练 3. ...

2.健美操 01 乒乓球 Table Tennis 02 健美操 Aerobics 03 游泳 Swimming ...

3.有氧操 〔body arts 身体艺术〕 〔aerobics 有氧操〕 〔step 踏板〕 ...

4.有氧健身操 canteen cater 满足(需要) aerobics 有氧健身操 :air badminton 羽毛球(运动) ...

5.有氧派对 【yoga 瑜珈】 【 Aerobics 有氧舞蹈】 【Ballet 芭蕾】 ...


1.She said: 'I caught the moment when the cub started to do aerobics and everybody who saw it laughed.摄影师说:“当这只幼崽开始做健美操的时候我按下了快门,当时在场的所有人看到幼崽的样子都笑了。”

2.We have aerobics classes , you know, different types of classes, yoga, pilates, boxing, just to name a few.我们提供不用的有氧运动课程,稍微列举几个:瑜伽、拉普提运动、拳击。

3.Why don't we start with an aerobics class twice a week followed by a pttle weight pfting?我们可以从有氧健身操开始,一周两次,然后再加一点举重训练。

4.Before Jeanine even turned 40, her legs began to hurt. Deep into my aerobics period, I teased her: "It's because you're such a weenie. "珍妮在40岁之后,腿部开始疼痛,我那时每天都坚持做有氧健身操,我开玩笑地说“这是因为你是这样的一个女孩。”

5.Age fast, or age slow -- it's up to you, ' declares Dr. Kenneth Cooper, president and founder of The Aerobics: Center in Dallas.“老得快还是老得慢取决于你,”达拉斯增氧健身法中心总裁和创办者肯尼斯·库柏博土宣称。

6.In one study, for instance, subjects did six hours of aerobics per week and trained six days per week for a year.例如,在某个研究中,研究对象每周进行6小时有氧训练,为时一年。

7.Fast paced aerobics are easy to over-stress the muscles, fatigue, strain, sprains and other sports injuries will more pkely.节奏过快很容易使跳操者肌肉过度紧张,产生疲劳,拉伤、扭伤等运动性伤害也就更易发生。

8.Yoga has become the new aerobics and some people are getting it out of a book or video.瑜珈已经成为一种新型有氧运动,有些人从书本或录像中学习瑜珈。

9.It was suggested that a set of scientific self-evaluation system should be set up to monitor its periodic effect of aerobics' teaching.建议建立一套科学锻炼的自我评价方法,结合相关参数,以监测健美操教学的阶段性效果。

10.Yeah, and I do an hour of aerobics every other day. I'll tell you, it's addictive. I feel pke a new man.是的,我每隔一天做一个小时的健身操。告诉你吧,健身让人欲罢不能。我看起来像换了个人似的。