



美式发音: [ɪɡˈnɔr] 英式发音: [ɪɡˈnɔː(r)]



第三人称单数:ignores  现在分词:ignoring  过去式:ignored  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.ignore fact,ignore warning,ignore advice,ignore error,ignore meaning

adv.+v.safely ignore,largely ignore,completely ignore,totally ignore


v.pay no attention to,take no notice of,pay no heed to,disregard,overlook



v.1.to not consider something, or to not let it influence you2.to pretend that you have not noticed someone or something

1.忽略 ③Filter( 过滤器) ④Ignores忽略) ⑤User Filters( 用户过滤器) ...

2.忽视 Overwritten 重写 Ignores 忽视 Nonexistence 不存在 ...

3.不理睬 ... negpgent adj. 疏忽的, 粗心大意的 ignores vt. 不理睬, 忽视, [律](因证据不足而)驳回诉讼 attract vt. 吸引 ...


5.排除掉时排除掉ignores)另外一些不符合他的观点的案例。”Koen Wellens 所举的那些例子,我们就不在这里全文转述了,读者可 …


1.Ugh! I hate talking to Rebecca. Every time I ask her a question, she ignores me or sneers at me.啊!我讨厌瑞贝卡。每次问她问题,要么不理我,要么嘲笑我。

2.Jill: I've hinted to Mary several times that I need her to pay me the money she owes, but she just ignores me.吉尔:我跟玛丽暗示了好几次,说她应该还欠我的钱了,但是她就是装不知道。

3.Instead of criticizing himself in his head if he makes a minor error during a presentation, he laughs it off or ignores it.此后,当他给客户推介产品时,如果犯了个小错误,他不会在脑子里批评自己,而会一笑置之,或者不予理会。

4.When a fellow teacher is arrested as a CIA spy by the sinister Palestinian security forces, Yussef ignores advice to leave.他的同事却被险恶的巴勒斯坦安全部队当作中情局间谍逮捕起来,这时别人劝他离开加沙为妙,但他却毅然决定留下来。

5.After all this, the female tries to seduce the male, but he basically ignores her, because he knows she's not ready to mate.之后,雌豹试图诱惑雄豹,但雄豹基本上视而不见,因为他知道她还没有准备好交配。

6.Later, CHI ignores his mother, YUNG's, objections and is determined to be with HEI.后来,赐不理母亲蓉的反对与喜相恋,二人是否白头到老?

7.Indeed, the statement ignores the fact that there was no depvery during the exceptional but unsustainable prosperity of the last decade.确实,这个说法忽视了一个事实,那就是在过去十年的出乎意料却不可持续的繁荣中,没有人作出任何保证。

8.That of a domestic dog. Like a loyal dog, even when the Guru ridicules, irritates or ignores one, one never responds with anger.应如家犬,即使上师讥评、激怒或忽视自己,永不回以瞋心。

9.Each time the dog responds as you wish, praise him. Whenever he ignores your command, make him do what you commanded and then praise him.每当狗狗做到你的目标一定要赞美他,如果他不理睬你,再下达命令直到他听从你的指令然后赞扬他。

10."Incidentally, the commentary ignores Iran altogether, as if it is not a factor of consequence on the Afghan chessboard" .“顺便说一下,评论完全忽视伊朗,好像它在阿富汗棋盘上不是一个重要因素”。