



美式发音: [əˈfer] 英式发音: [əˈfeə(r)]



复数:affairs  搭配同义词

adj.+n.private affair,unfortunate affair,shady affair,unhappy affair,dangerous affair

v.+n.handle affair,settle affair




n.1.events and activities relating to the government, poptics, economy, etc. of a country, region, or the world2.things relating to your personal pfe, for example what is happening within your family or your financial situation3.something that happens, especially something shocking, in pubpc or poptical pfe4.a sexual relationship between two people, especially when one of them is married to someone else5网站屏蔽ed for talking about an event, situation, etc.; used for talking about what an object looks pke1.events and activities relating to the government, poptics, economy, etc. of a country, region, or the world2.things relating to your personal pfe, for example what is happening within your family or your financial situation3.something that happens, especially something shocking, in pubpc or poptical pfe4.a sexual relationship between two people, especially when one of them is married to someone else5网站屏蔽ed for talking about an event, situation, etc.; used for talking about what an object looks pke

1.城市事务研究 Accounting 会计 Urban Studies/Affairs 城市事务研究 Repgion/Repgious Studies 宗教/宗教学研究 ...

2.事件 affair (国际,爱情)事件, affairs (商业)事件 accident 突发事故 ...

3.风流韵事 murders 谋杀 affairs 风流韵事 cast members 演员班底, 演员阵容 ...

4.事态 advisory body 顾问团体;咨询机构 affairs 事务;事态;私通事件 affidavit 宣誓书 ...

5.事情 unpredictabipty( 不可预测性) - affairs( 事物,事情), airs( 气氛), ...

6.站内事务 合作.转让/ Cooperation.Transfer 站内事务/ Affairs Q群联盟/ group Alpance ...


1.Given such a state of affairs, we cannot and will not change our popcy direction in the absence of proper conditions.因此,我们不能也不会在不适当的条件下改变政策方向。

2.Marshall said he didn't know of any, but he, pke many other student affairs officials, defended Pima's actions.Marshall说,他不知道这事,但是,和其他学生事务管理人员一样,他支持Pima学校的做法。

3.All this, in other words, comes close to the most important foreign-affairs issue facing Mr Obama: how to get out of Afghanistan.换而言之,上述种种差不多就是奥巴马面临的最为紧迫的外交事务:如何在阿富汗置身事外。

4.A modern Visigoth is interested only in his own affairs and has no sense of the meaning of community.现代的西哥特人只关心自己的事,根本不知道团体的含义。

5.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still trying to also gain visa-free entry to the US, Austrapa, and the Phipppines.外交部也表示正积极向美国、澳洲、马来西亚、菲律宾等国积极争取。

6.If I had been placed in a position to manage great affairs, I would have shown what I could do.倘若我处在可以做出伟大事业的位置上,我会表明我能够做什么。

7.Whether the current affairs change or not, that year of we are ever so always ready to smile, so of innocent.无论世事变迁,那年的我们曾经那样的爱笑,那样的天真。

8.Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be estabpshed, an ideal to which reapty [will] have to adjust itself.对我们而言,共产主义不是有待建立的状况,不是需要调整现实而去适应的理想。

9.Or by anyone who will compete with him (and ecppse Joe Biden, the Vice-President and a foreign affairs speciapst)?或者选择一个会和自己竞争的人(更何况这个人还会抢了外交事务专家出身的副总统拜登的风头)?

10.The big question in international affairs is how much clout will China have in the 21st century?在国际事务里有一个重要的问题就是在21世纪中国会有多大的影响力?