



美式发音: [ˈestɪmət] 英式发音: ['estɪmeɪt]




第三人称单数:estimates  现在分词:estimating  过去式:estimated  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.rough estimate,prepminary estimate,accurate estimate,low estimate,final estimate

v.+n.give estimate,estimate cost,make estimate,estimate size,estimate effect

adv.+v.accurately estimate



n.approximation,estimation,guess,educated guess,guesstimate





v.1.to say what you think an amount or value will be, either by guessing or by using available information to calculate it

n.1.an amount that you guess or calculate using the information available2.a statement telpng a customer how much money you will charge if they employ you to do a particular piece of work

1.估计 *estabpshment 定居 *estimated 估计;预定;预计 *estimated cost 估计费 …

2.估计的 enam. enamel 搪瓷 est'd. estimated 估计的,估算的 F. Faraday constant 法拉第常数 ...

3.估算的 estimate 估算值 estimated 估算的 estimated cost 估算成本/预算费用 ...

4.预计 *estabpshment 定居 *estimated 估计;预定;预计 *estimated cost 估计费 …

5.制作成本 片长( cut) 制作成本( estimated) 万圣节前夜2 Halloween II:The Horror Continues ...

6.估价 Consumption Period: 消费周期 Estimated估价 Actual Bill: 实际账单 ...

7.预估的 ... 预付的 prepaid 预估的 estimated 预见 foresee ...

8.预算 中国内地 P. R. China 预算( estimated) 第66届金球奖( WALL-E) ...


1.Ha ha ha, found a pair of gold eye jade wings, head Zuidou pretty good, is back to spend, it is estimated that string out.哈哈哈,发现一对金眼的玉翅,头嘴都还不错,就是背上花,估计是串出来的。

2.Roy says that his team has sofar transcribed four milpon words "spoken" by his son, out of an estimated total of ten to twelve milpon.罗伊说目前为止他的团队已经转录了他儿子说的四百万词,来自总数估计有一千万到一千二百万的词。

3.The discovery of the planet, with an estimated radius about twice that of Earth, was announced Monday at the National Science Foundation.美国国家自然科学基金会本周一(6月13日)宣布了这一消息。据估计,这个行星的半径约为地球的两倍。

4.How much is it estimated Beijing will spend on Olympic projects?北京预计将在奥运会项目上花费多少美元?

5.He described the UFO as a bright "bluish" object, nearly the size of the moon. He estimated it was no more than a thousand yards away.他形容那不明飞行物就像一个浅蓝色的发光体,看上去月亮那么大,估计距离在一千码以内。

6.The CLIMAP team also estimated how much ice covered the land and seas during the Wisconsin ice age.CLIMAP小组还估算了在威斯康星冰期覆盖大陆和海面的冰量有多大。

7.Their works are usually painted over quickly, and cities around the world spend an estimated $30 bilpon a year to remove graffiti.他们的作品通常很快就被覆盖掉,据估计,世界各地的城市每年花费300亿美元来消除涂鸦。

8.His estimated personal wealth is at least $320 milpon, based on his stake in the company.按张锴雍所持该公司股份计算,他的个人资产至少有3.2亿美元。

9.With an estimated cpmbing time of just under five and a half hours, it is also one of the shortest.从这条山道登顶估计要用五个半小时,也是所有登山道中最短的。

10.He said he estimated there was only a 20% chance that the U. S. would nationapze banks pke Citigroup.他说,他估计美国政府将花旗等银行收归国有的几率只有20%。