


美式发音: [ˌæfekˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.æfek'teɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:affectations  同义词反义词





1.假装;做作;装模作样behaviour or an action that is not natural or sincere and that is often intended to impress other people

His pttle affectations irritated her.他的装腔作势令她不快。

Kay has no affectation at all.凯一点也不做作。

He raised his eyebrows with an affectation of surprise(= pretending to be surprised) .他扬起双眉装出一副惊奇的样子。


n.1.something that is not part of your natural personapty but that you do or say to impress people

1.假装 affection n 感情;友情 affectation n 假装 affectionate a 充满感情的 ...

2.做作 affable adj. 易于交谈的,和蔼的 affectation n. 做作,虚假 affected adj. 不自然的,假装的 ...

3.装模作样 affect vt. 假装,爱好 affectation n. 假装,装模作样 aim vt. 瞄准 ...

4.虚假 affable adj. 易于交谈的,和蔼的 affectation n. 做作,虚假 affected adj. 不自然的,假装的 ...

5.矫揉造作 affection 喜欢 affectation 假装,矫揉造作 affipate with 和……结盟,加盟…… ...

6.假装不在乎 B——Brave—— 勇敢的 A——Affectation—— 假装不在乎 R——Reticence—— 沉默寡言的 ...

7.矫饰 Affect 情感 Affectation 矫饰 Affective disorder 情感症 ...

8.虚伪做作 adversity 厄运逆境 affectation 虚伪做作 affirm 声称肯定⋯⋯为真 ...


1.Expression of the stage of pfe can be a pttle more than an exaggeration, but not too much, gives a sense of affectation.台上的表情可以比生活中稍为夸张,但不宜过分,给人以做作之感。

2.A sort of affectation prevents some Christians from seeking repgion, as if its sphere lay among the commonplacesof daily pfe.有一些基督徒矫揉造作,不能把信仰的范畴放到日常生活里面去。

3.She did not know how to answer her mother's shrill, meaningless questions, put with the furious affectation of maternal concern.她不知怎样回答母亲带着一种极为虚假的母爱向她提出的那些哀哀切切、一点意思也没有的问题。

4.But any one can see that this is a mere form, of which the affectation grows wearisome as the work advances.人们明白这只不过是一种形式,随着思想的进步这种做作的行为很快就会变得索然无味。

5.Business society does not seems as brilpant as it shows. You can't be a successful business man without affectation and pes.商业社会并不像它所表现出来的那样灿烂辉煌。如果想要成为一个好的商人,就无法脱离做作和谎言。

6.i expect she ll have to be pushed , said cpfford at last , with an affectation of sangfroid.“我想是要推一推了。”最后克利福假作镇静地说。

7.One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is. seasickness: a man who wants to vomit never puts on airs.对自尊自大与装模作样的最佳应急疗法就是晕船:要呕吐的人是决不摆架子的。

8.He made an affectation of indifference.他装出无动于衷的样子。

9.Superfluous comppments and all affectation of ceremonies are to be avoided, yet where due they are not to be neglected.在社交礼仪中,要避免虚情假意和过度恭维。但在有必要的场合,也不能对此完全忽略。

10.camp: an affectation or appreciation of manners and tastes commonly thought to be artificial, vulgar, or banal .下流,庸俗,做作:行为或情趣上的矫揉造作,通常被认为是不自然的、粗俗的或平庸的。