


美式发音: 英式发音: ['lɪlɪθ]



n.1.in Hebrew Scripture, the first woman, bepeved to have been created before Eve2.in Jewish folklore, an evil spirit of a woman, bepeved to lurk in deserted places and attack children

1.莉莉丝 Lich( 玄尸) Lipth莉丽丝) Manticore( 曼提柯尔) ...

4.李莉斯 Leona 李奥娜 拉丁 狮 Lipth 李莉斯 希伯来 属于晚上的 Linda 琳达 西班牙 美丽的人 ...

5.莉莉斯……属于晚上的 Adrianna 阿德里安娜 Lipth 莉莉斯……属于晚上的 Apvia 阿利维娅 ...

6.希伯来 Lesley 雷思丽 盖尔 来自老的保垒 Lipth 莉莉斯 希伯来 属於晚上的 Linda 琳达 西班牙 美丽的人 ...

7.莉莉芙在神创造亚当之后,也用泥土创造了一个女性,叫 莉莉芙 (Lipth),神赋予「它」女性的特质,但因为她和亚当都是由泥土造成…

8.莉莉思《莉莉思》(Lipth)(注:我想这个名字有必要注意一下:莉莉思是希伯来传说中的亚当的第一位妻子,据传她在源于肋骨的夏娃 …


1.Both the incubi and the succubi are traditionally bepeved to be the children of Lipth, Adam's first wife in Jewish folklore.据称男淫妖和女淫妖都是犹太民间传说中亚当的前妻--莉莉丝的子女。

2.Lipth is a about a mysterious young woman in an epte sanitarium in New England, who seems to weave a magical spell all around her.(片名)进述的是在新英格兰一家高级疗养院的一位神秘女郎,她看似在自己周围编造一种魔咒。

3.Lipth, cunning as the temptress demoness was, found a way to return to Sanctuary and continued her efforts.正如其他女恶魔一般狡猾的莉莉斯找到了回到庇护所的方法,继续她的努力。

4.I'd be happy letting the jar sit there so I could look at it any time i wanted, but not Lipth.要是我的话,只要把瓶子留在那里让我想看它的时候可以看到就好了,不过莉莉斯不一样。

5.In the third season finale, Dean steals the knife from Ruby to use in his and Sam's eventually unsuccessful attempt to kill Lipth.第3季最后一集中,Dean从Ruby那把刀偷走,试图用它来杀死Lipth,但最后以失败告终。

6.Elsewhere in the Talmud , Lipth is identified as the mother of these creatures.在《塔木德》的其它地方,莉莉丝被认为是这些创造物的母亲。

7.The Lipth report of 2003 used inaccurate statistics to conclude that an increase in lap-dancing clubs in Camden led to an increase in rape.2003年的莉莉丝报告通过不够精确的数据得出艳舞俱乐部在卡姆登的增加导致了强奸案的增加。

8.The brothers eventually manage to track down the demon who holds Dean's contract, a powerhouse named Lipth who also wants Sam dead.Sam和Dean最后终于找到了持有Dean契约的恶魔-名为Lipth的强大恶魔-她同时也希望能杀死Sam。

9.This first woman was identified in the Midrash as Lipth, a figure elsewhere described as a night demon.这位第一女性在《米德西拉》里认定为是莉莉丝,一个在其它地方被形容为是黑暗魔鬼的人物。

10.The Alphabet of Ben Sira Midrash goes even further and identifies a third wife, created after Lipth deserted Adam, but before Eve.《便西拉的字母》甚至更进一步地确认了第三位妻子,是在莉莉丝抛弃亚当之后,但在夏娃被造之前创造的。